Captain Robert Laurence Nairac
Today I have been reading up on Captain Robert Nairac, (31 August 1948 –15 May 1977), the British Army intelligence officer murdered by the IRA on May 15, 1977.
If you are from Northern Ireland and over a certain age, you will know that this man was kept in the news for years and years, the hunt for his body, the search for his went on and on and on. He was posthumously awarded the George Cross for bravery.Nairac belonged to the 14 Intelligence Company which was a shadowy bunch of reprobates, all trained as special agents from various sectors of the British Army. They changed their name frequently. It has been well documented that his colleagues in the 14 Intel Co did not know who he worked for, or what his mission was.
This extract is from his Wiki page: Former SAS Warrant Officer Ken Connor, who was involved in the creation of 14 Int, wrote of him in his book, Ghost Force, p. 263:
“ Had he been an SAS member, he would not have been allowed to operate in the way he did. Before his death we had been very concerned at the lack of checks on his activities. No one seemed to know who his boss was, and he appeared to have been allowed to get out of control, deciding himself what tasks he would do."
Niarac was working with the Glenanne gang. The GG were made up of loyalists from the RUC, UDR, UDA, UVF and the rest, Niarac was believed to be the brains of the outfit, and the one who was controlling them and planning all attacks. Between 1972-1977 they wreaked havoc in Northern Ireland, their main targets were civilians who were brutally murdered for no reason. In a Yorkshire TV documentary (The Hidden Hand), Nairac and the Glenanne Gang were accused of the Dublin and Monaghan bomb attacks. In all they were accused of 76 murders.
Nairac (left), dressed for his undercover work. In Republican areas he used the Name Danny McErlaine. (His alter!)
The last attack attributed to the Glenanne Gang was the murder of Brendan McLaughlin who was a catholic civilian, he was murdered with the same Sterling sub-machine gun that had been used in the Miami Showband massacre, the muders of Gertie and Jim Devlin, and the O'Dowd family.
Brendaan was killed on February 29, 1980. His murder was the only murder attributed to the Glenanne Gang after the death of Nairac on May 15, 1977.
I knew Gertie, she was the local librarian, and she was well thought of by all who knew her. Members of the Glananne gang shot Gertie and her husband in their car at point blank range, there was no reason for it, the entire community was very shocked and saddened at this totally senseless double murder.
On March 5, 1974 the Glenanne gang, under the control of Nairac planted a bomb outside our house in Coalisland, it was an absolute miracle that no one was killed in that bomb, it was planted in a van on a road between 3 housing estates, we were lucky, we just lost windows and plaster from the front of the house, some of our friends and neighbours homes were demolished. NAIRAC WAS BEHIND THAT ATTACK! What a big brave c**t he was having a bomb planted in the middle of a residential area beside a busy wee shop!
Nairac's collusion with Loyalists is now well documented, what is not so commonly reported is, Nairac was also working with Republican paramilitaries, (or people pretending to be Republicans, for the sole purpose of carrying out false flag attacks.) on August 22, 2010, the Belfast Newsletter reported that Nairac had been implicated in the Kingsmill massacre, 10 Protestant workmen were brutally murdered in that attack on January 5, 1976. LINK
At the time an obscure group calling itself the South Armagh Republican Action Force Claimed responsibility. They said it was in retaliation for the murders of the Reavey's and O'Dowd's the night before. (Jan 4, 1976). The IRA claimed they had nothing to do with the Kingsmill massacre, and that remains their stance. The Glenanne Gang under the leadership of Nairac killed the Reavey's and ODowd's, the one surviving victim of the Kingsmill massacre believes that British Intelligence was behind the attack.
Nairac was playing all sides, what was his objective? There can be no other conclusion, than that he was activily participating in acts of terror, planning acts of terror, and ensuring that the blood bath in Northern Ireland would self perpetuate indefinitely.
Kingsmill massacre
Reavy and O'Dowd Murders
At the time an obscure group calling itself the South Armagh Republican Action Force Claimed responsibility. They said it was in retaliation for the murders of the Reavey's and O'Dowd's the night before. (Jan 4, 1976). The IRA claimed they had nothing to do with the Kingsmill massacre, and that remains their stance. The Glenanne Gang under the leadership of Nairac killed the Reavey's and ODowd's, the one surviving victim of the Kingsmill massacre believes that British Intelligence was behind the attack.
Nairac was playing all sides, what was his objective? There can be no other conclusion, than that he was activily participating in acts of terror, planning acts of terror, and ensuring that the blood bath in Northern Ireland would self perpetuate indefinitely.
Kingsmill massacre
Reavy and O'Dowd Murders
The loyalist Billy Wright (King Rat) claims that he joined the UVF because of his horror at the Kingsmill attack, so you can add all the murders he committed to Nairac's list of crimes.
John Weir is a former RUC member, he was convicted of the murder of Catholic William Strathearn in Ahoghill, County Antrim in April 1977. He was a member of the Glenanne Gang, the following is part of an affidavit he made in February 1999 in support of Sean McPhilemy.
LINK to full affidavit of John Weir.
"30. Shortly after I arrived in Newtownhamilton I began to realise that my illegal activities with Loyalist paramilitaries, encouraged and approved by my superiors in the RUC had placed my life in danger.
For I learned from a Republican informant that Robert McConnell, one of the central figures in the bomb attack on Donnelly's Bar in Silverbridge (as discussed in 13 (iv) above) had been set up by Army Intelligence and assassinated by the IRA. My informant told me that Army Intelligence Captain Robert Nairac had told him about McConnell's involvement in that bomb attack, that the IRA had learned the names of all those involved in the attack and it was only a matter of time before the rest of the gang were murdered. I had discovered that Army Intelligence, through Nairac, was playing one side off against the other and I realised therefore that my involvement with the Loyalists had made me a target. I realised that Army Intelligence had organised the murder of Robert McConnell after it had used him to carry out attacks on the Catholic population: it then arranged his murder by the IRA to ensure that he would never be able to reveal the truth about his role."
35. I drew this lesson from the death of Army Intelligence officer Captain Robert Nairac who had infiltrated both sides, Loyalist and Republican, in an attempt to intensify the conflict so that each side would wipe each other out.
A Republican informant, the late Packy Reel, from Dorsey, South Armagh told me he had been aware the role Nairac had played in infiltrating both Republican and Loyalist terrorist groups, the IRA and the UVF. He told me that Nairac had supplied explosives to the IRA and I knew from my Loyalist contacts in Portadown that Nairac was involved with Robin Jackson. Reel told me that Nairac had informed him and, therefore, the IRA that police and security forces were responsible for the attack on Donnelly's Bar and that he (Nairac) had given Reel the names of those responsible. Reel also told me that the IRA, after learning this information had killed UDR soldier Robert McConnell.
Reel explained that the IRA had, for a time, believed Nairac to be sympathetic to their cause, which was the reason he had been allowed to participate in IRA meetings; but that Nairac's cover had been blown when he was recognised at the Army shooting of IRA activist Peter Cleary in South Armagh. Nairac paid the price for his attempt to play off both sides. He was murdered by the IRA.
The following excerpt is from the book Robert Nairac: Death of a Hero by John Parker. The excerpt was published by The Derry Journal
"In fact Holroyd alleged that Nairac – assisted by two UVF gunmen, shot an IRA member, John Francis Green, at a farmhouse in Louth on 10th January, 1975. The aforementioned UVF gunmen were also alleged to have taken part in the murder of the Miami Showband on 21st, July 1975. The murders have been linked by forensic evidence – the same pistols were used and Holroyd also claimed that the RUC would not return the colour Polaroid photograph of Green's dead body which Nairac took just after he killed him. Indeed, he allegedly showed it to Holroyd the following day as proof of the kill. Also, Merlyn Rees confirmed to Ken Livingstone that Nairac had supplied the guns and the explosives to this particular UVF unit."
Fred Holroyd
Operation Gladio
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Gladio emblem |
Operation Gladio was set up after WWI by NATO, founded in 1948 it involved the secret services of many NATO countries, Gladio operatives have claimed that they trained with NI paramilitaries, and that they even carried out attacks in NI.
This was the modus operandi of Gladio:
In sworn testimony, a Gladio agent, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, made the following comment:
In sworn testimony, a Gladio agent, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, made the following comment:
"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."
The motto, "Silendo Libertatem Servo", means "In being silent, I save freedom". Whose freedom I wonder?
It is my belief that Robert Laurence Nairac was working as a special agent for Gladio, he was not in NI to defeat terrorism, he was in NI to create terrorists and create TERROR!
He was no big brave army Captain, he was a TERRORIST!
Nairac was posthumously awarded the George Cross for his "bravery" in NI. From Wiki:
The GC, which may be awarded posthumously, is granted in recognition of:acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger.
How absolutley pathetic that this psychopath, who reigned terror on the people of NI should be given awards for bravery! Even now, all these years later, people are still trying to figure out the extent of this hidden Hitler's crimes against the people of Northern Ireland!
Of course he was not working alone, many British intelligence officers were assigned to creating terror in NI.
We all suffered, many are still suffering, and it was all a big game to them, a training exercise. The following is a short list of the NI atrocities that were carried out by British Intelligence Agents:
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The Miami Showband |
LINK In October 2013 surviving victims of the Miami Showband issued writs to sue the PSNI and MoD because of their collusion in the Miami Showband massacre
I could go on and on, they were implicated in so many acts of terrorism, but I'm sure you will get the drift just from these three terrorist attacks, and Nairac's control of the Glenanne Gang.
On May 17, 1974 Dublin and Monaghan were attacked by car bombs, it is now widely accepted that Nairac planned this bombing attack, 33 people died. In the following November 2 bombs went off in Birmingham pubs killing 21 people. The Provisional IRA claimed responsibility, the then Home Secretary Roy Jenkins introduced The Prevention of terrorism Act , this is totally the methodology of Gladio, create a terror event, then impose draconian laws on the populace, under the guise of protecting them against terrorists. The same thing happened right after 9/11, before America knew what had hit it, the Patriot Act was introduced.
No one has ever been charged with the Monaghan and Dublin car bombs, likewise, whoever bombed the Birmingham pubs, they were never charged either.
Gladio excellent link outlining the history of Gladio, and the involvement of MI6 and the CIA, it also references Swiss Gladio member Alois Hurlimann, he claims he was trained by the SAS in the UK, and he took part in an active attack on an IRA arms dump, where at least one IRA man was killed.
On May 17, 1974 Dublin and Monaghan were attacked by car bombs, it is now widely accepted that Nairac planned this bombing attack, 33 people died. In the following November 2 bombs went off in Birmingham pubs killing 21 people. The Provisional IRA claimed responsibility, the then Home Secretary Roy Jenkins introduced The Prevention of terrorism Act , this is totally the methodology of Gladio, create a terror event, then impose draconian laws on the populace, under the guise of protecting them against terrorists. The same thing happened right after 9/11, before America knew what had hit it, the Patriot Act was introduced.
No one has ever been charged with the Monaghan and Dublin car bombs, likewise, whoever bombed the Birmingham pubs, they were never charged either.
Gladio excellent link outlining the history of Gladio, and the involvement of MI6 and the CIA, it also references Swiss Gladio member Alois Hurlimann, he claims he was trained by the SAS in the UK, and he took part in an active attack on an IRA arms dump, where at least one IRA man was killed.
Like those metal balls that you hit one, it hits the next one, the next one, then returns on itself, it eventually loses steam and stops, a slight ping of the first metal ball and it self perpetuates for another while, that is how it was here, people who would never have committed murder got dragged into paramilitaries shocked and horrified at the stories the news fed us every night, "retaliation" is a word we heard daily, it self perpetuated for so long, then it would die down, then people like Nairac would set it all off again.
When you are in the eye of the hurricane it is difficult to see what is causing it, you are disorientated and your only focus is on surviving it, there is no escaping it, you are caught in it until it stops.
None of us had any idea of the forces that were at work manipulating us all, creating death, destruction and despair. What they learned in NI they have now taken onto the world stage, I can see the false flags, the manipulation, only now its the whole world that is caught in the hurricane, we were just a training exercise before they took it to the world stage.
So many NI people still do not get it, they are stuck in local politics, and they have not analysed how British intelligence was running the whole show, all sides. I wish they would educate themselves, if they did they might be able to warn the global population of how the dirty war has been taken to the world stage.
I lived through 30 years of bombs and bullets, I could recap hundreds of incidents that affected me personally, I dont see the point now, most of the men who committed the actual acts are now dead, many were killed by British intelligence, either to make sure they did not talk, or when they decided they needed the troops for the bigger "War on Terror" in Iraq and Afghanistan, what was left of the hard-liners were killed one way or another.
Then their was the 1994 Chinook Helicopter crash at Mull of Kintire, 25 passengers were killed and 4 crew, most of the passengers were senior NI Intelligence Officers...dead men dont talk! LINK
We dont need a requiem for NI now, what we do need is to look at the big picture, all the false flags that are being staged globally by intelligence agencies, they are trying to start WW3, a blood bath between Christians, Jews and Muslims, we have just seen the Paris attacks, these attack will continue, they will be blamed on Muslims to incite hatred and fan the flames, often these attacks incite ordinary people to go out and stage attacks themselves, but the main body of the attacks will be carried out by intelligence agencies, the secret services, the War on Terror knows no end point, our only hope is if we all see through their games.
Officially Gladio stopped, it never stopped, its still going on, they probably have a new name for it, I know some people in the alternative community call it Gladio B , if we must give it a name, that,s as good a name as any, they have the same objectives as Gladio, formed all those years ago.
had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people,
unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite
simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater
Operation Gladio, full 2.25 hr Documentary BBC
Sandra Barr My Blog History
Related links: Ex UDR soldier Stephen Gordon relates his memories of Robert Nairac
Sandra Barr My Blog History
Related links: Ex UDR soldier Stephen Gordon relates his memories of Robert Nairac
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Among the many murders attributed to Nairac, is the murder of Patrick Kielty's father Jack. |
04/06/2017 upday, an inquest into the Kingsmill massacre had begun, and the first person on the scene Gerald Byrne also stated that Niarac was responsible.
All very interesting(particularly as I am an ex soldier who spent some time in NI) a lot has been written about Nairac and the shadowy world he moved in. Much like a lot of what happened during the last thirty odd years I doubt the real truth will ever be known.
ReplyDeleteNairac was obviously a total cunt by the sound of it!