The following is not my work, it is the work of my co-researcher Bessie Totten. It is an epic and impressive piece of work, so am publishing it on this forum. Link to Bessie's original blog.
Author Bessie Totten
Published Tuesday 17 January, 2017
few years back I started to see a disturbing correlation between big
media story missing children, some of whom were found and some never
found, and how the dates and numbers were connected to dates and
numbers directly related to the British Royal Family, in particular
birth and death dates, and anniversaries. I then posted a blog
with my findings, called Lilith,
the missing children and the British Royal Family. Since it
was published I have been very aware of similar stories of missing
and dead children and in most cases, there is a link.
the purpose for this publication is not to update that information,
merely to relate the connection, I won’t go into more detail, but
suffice to say, it is still going on. One may well ask the
question Why? Why would there be a connection? Why involve the minds
of millions of people by having them focus on the death of a child?
If the child/victim is to be a sacrifice to the Gods then Why not. If
you are so powerful that you own the media and Hollywood, then why
not I ask.
your power is all encompassing, then you have the vehicle at your
fingertips to enable you to reap the thought and emotional energy of
the masses via your controlled media and direct it into whatever
ritual you wish to infuse with the emotional energy of literally
millions upon millions of human beings. If you understand the
concept of prayer, then you will understand what I am trying to say.
bloodline families believe themselves to be Gods upon the earth. They
therefore require people to bow in their presence. Not only
that, but they have a hierarchy within the hierarchy, and the more
elevate one appears to be, the more important the designated God they
represent. Now obviously in the modern era they cannot be
forthright, as in days of old, and just announce themselves as such,
so their symbolism must be subtle enough for the masses to still
subliminally worship and adore, without giving the game away.
of nature and the natural laws that create each aspect of creation,
be it the planets, star systems and their cycles, including and most
importantly the Sun and Saturn, weather, or in both the heavens and
below the earth has in all ancient cultures been designated a
personified god, whether in Ancient Egypt, India, China, Northern
Europe, Greece, Rome or many others. But they are basically the
same energy, given localised names and slightly variant stories of
their life in heaven and earth. So for example in Greek we
have the God Zeus, who in Rome was Jupiter/Jove, King of the Gods.
His symbol was a thunderbolt, Eagle and an oak tree. Or
Poseidon the Greek god of the Sea, who in Rome was revered as
Neptune, and his symbol was the sea, trident, horse and a dolphin,
and he was also the god of earthquakes. Goddesses included
Artemis in Greek, who in Rome was referred to as Diana, Goddess of
the Moon, the hunt and her symbol was the Moon, deer, silver and bow
and arrows.
I wish to present to you is something that I have stumbled across,
quite by accident, and what I think may be one of the biggest rituals
yet regarding the events of the year 1997, and the death of Princess
Diana, who her own brother likened to Diana, the Goddess of hunting
at her funeral. Like any good block buster Hollywood movie, the
death of Princess Diana was it appears to me, not just the ‘disposing
of the problem ex-wife, leaving the path clear for the remarriage of
the future king of England’, I
suggest it was a meticulously planned and executed ritual which not
only fed the Psychic Vampires within the hierarchy the traumatised
emotional energy of millions of humans who had been programmed from
1980 to believe that this girl was their Princess/Queen in waiting
and mother of the future king, but to subliminally replace Diana with
the chosen new Queen/Madonna, mother of the Gods, the as yet unheard
of and only fifteen years old Kate Middleton. We were all
victims of predictive programming on an unimaginable scale, and we
had absolutely no idea and to the best of my knowledge still are not
aware… until now.
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Poseidon, God of the sea, earthquakes, dolphins and horses |
The Olympians
was Atlantis mythical? There is much evidence to suggest that
Atlantis was a real kingdom, which co-existed along with other great
continents such as Lemuria. Atlantis was situated in the region
of what is now the north Atlantic ocean (big clue there in the name
of the sea, simply change the c to s!) It is believed that the
land of Ireland is what survived of Atlantis, and Ireland remains a
very important land, therefore, to those who believe themselves to be
the descendants of the Atlanteans.
Tuatha De Danann were the people said to have landed on the North
Western Shores of Ireland in Derry, a county named after the mighty
Oak trees which grew abundantly there at the time. This is a quote
from the book Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation by
Michael Tsarion..
“ Nuada:
High King of the ancient Irish (Arish). His people were the
Tuatha De Danann, a race of powerful wizards who allegedly came to
Ireland in prehistoric times from four islands lost in a giant
cataclysm. The name Nuada can also be rendered Nuah, which is
close to the biblical Noah. According to the legends of
Ireland, which predate the bible. Nuada saved his people from a
mighty flood by commissioning the construction of great ships.
He and his people survived the deluge and colonized Ireland over
1,000 BC. It is unlikely the Tuatha De Danann were concocted by
mythmonger monks because the latter believed Creation dated to 4,000
years BC. “
quote has been taken from the book Atlantis : The Antediluvian World,
by Ignatius Donnelly..
the “Iliad” Poseidon appears “as ruler of the sea, inhabiting a
brilliant palace in its depths, traversing its surface in a chariot,
or stirring the powerful billows until the earth shakes as the crash
upon the shores…. He is also associated with well-watered plains
and valleys.”
mythology,” p,51.)
Palace in the depths of the sea was the palace upon Olympus in
Atlantis; the traversing of the sea referred to the movements of a
mercantile race; the shaking of POSEIDON, OR NEPTUNE. The earth was
an association with earthquakes the “Well-watered plains and
valleys” reminded us of the great plain of Atlantis described by
the traditions of the coming of civilisation into Europe point to
Atlantis. “
another quote from Atlantis : The Antediluvian World…
is not necessary to pursue the study of the gods of Greece any
farther. They were simply barbarian recollections of the rulers
of a great civilized people who in early days visited their shores,
and brought with them the arts of peace.
then, in conclusion, are the proofs that the gods of Greece had been
the kings of Atlantis:
They were not the makers, but rulers of the world.
They were human in their attributes; they loved, sinned, and fought
battles, the very sites of which are given; they founded cities, and
civilized the people of the shores of the Mediterranean.
They dwelt upon an island in the Atlantic, “in the remote west…
where the sun shines after it has ceased to shine in Greece.”
Their land was destroyed in a deluge.
They were ruled over by Poseidon and Atlas.
Their empire extended to Egypt and Italy and the shores of Africa,
precisely as stated by Plato.
They existed during the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age.
entire Greek mythology is recollection, by a degenerate race, of a
vast, mighty, and highly civilized empire, which in a remote past
covered large parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and America.”
to make brief a vast subject for the purposes of putting forth my
summary of the events of 1997, I think it important to note that yes,
there was an Atlantis, it did exist. That learned men, who have
been in the possession of knowledge handed down via secret societies
and mystery schools have tried ever since to recreate it, using all
means at their disposal.
such as John Dee and his Enochian magic, and Sir Francis Bacon, who
wrote the book the New Atlantis, where he set out the blueprint for
the new land of America in his unfinished work The New Atlantis.
And that the time to finish it as it were has now come, as we enter
the Aquarian age, the age of the water carrier, the New World so to
speak requires a new king should be chosen as the anointed one to
rule over the emerging New World, the silicon age.
is of course how the Elite masters see things, the ordinary man in
the street does not need this new king. But the Royal families
who believe themselves to be the chosen ones, need the man in the
street to believe that they are of elevated status, everything they
are depends on the man in the street not figuring out what a
manipulative bunch of parasites they really are.
so back to the Olympians, who were really the high kings and royal
family of Atlantis, who were in effect controlled by a priesthood of
dark magicians, and as we shall see, it is still the very same today.
Olympic Games have been used in recent years since the invention of
TV mid twentieth century, as a way of bringing together the best
sportsmen and women literally in the world. It has also been a
perfect way of engaging literally hundreds of millions, billions
perhaps of people in the mega-ritual of the opening and closing
ceremonies. It does not seem to matter where in the world the
games are held, they are controlled by a ruling body, and if there is
an agenda to follow, or a subliminal message to get out there, then
the games will encrypt it into every aspect of their plans.
London 2012 Olympic Games were full of secret esoteric ritual, played
out in full view of the world, who whooped and cheered in total
ignorance of the significance of what they were partaking in.
Let us now focus on
one of the most famous of the personified goddesses/Olympians, a girl
born Diana Francis Spencer, who would become the most famous woman in
the world without exception.
a year when two of the Queen of England’s sons became divorcees,
Charles and Andrew, the country was rocked by the deaths of school
children in Dunblane, Scotland on the 13th March, and Dolly the
cloned sheep was born in Roslyn institute in Scotland!
The summer
Olympics were that year in Atlanta, in Georgia USA. Prince
William celebrated his fourteenth birthday on the summer solstice,
21st June, and his mother Diana Princess of Wales (no longer though
of Royal Highness stature) seemed to be enjoying a new found freedom,
albeit in full glare of an ever present media. She ruffled
royal feathers by going public about having three people in her
marriage, referring of course to Camilla, the woman who had captured
Charles heart long before Diana ever came on the scene, and who was a
constant companion to Charles throughout his marriage to Diana.
is well documented that Diana herself realised that she had been
brought into this cold family for no other reason than to donate her
genetic make-up to the next in line to the throne, providing and heir
and a spare, before becoming redundant. In her autobiography which
was covertly dictated to Andrew Morton by Diana, she even described
herself as standing with her father at the doors of the cathedral on
her wedding day, and feeling like she was “a lamb to the
slaughter!” How prophetic were those words! She was indeed a lamb
to the slaughter, quite literally.
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The triple goddesses, virgin, mother and old crone (right to left) |
Just when the decision was made to ‘dispose’ of Diana, is hard to say". Was it an organised assassination planned after the divorce, or was Diana born and raised to be a mega-ritual killing, chosen from her birth to be the one who would for a period of time dominate the world as the personified Goddess.
The Goddess has three main life categories, that of the virgin, the mother and the old crone. In essence it is the natural progression of the life of a woman, and as the life of a man can be related to the cycle of the sun, in that he is born weak, grows in strength every minute of every day until the summer solstice, or his 33rd year in esoteric terms, when he is at his most high, and his strongest, and after that his power and strength begins to wane until he finally dies, just as the sun “dies” every evening and year at the winter solstice, on the twelfth month .
female cycle can be related to the moon, and its cycles of thirteen
annual phases. Each month it begins as a slither, the virgin moon,
and grows every evening until it resembles the form of a pregnant
lady, and keeps going until it shines full, enlightening the world
during the dark nights, as an old crone or a wise old lady full of
wisdom, before waning and appearing to die, just as the sun does
before rebirth.
number 13 and its multiples are therefore very important numbers when
conducting major goddess rituals. Note also 13 = (3+1) 4, and this
again is another number related to the Goddess. Hence the Olympic
Games occurs every Four years.
Death (including Sacrifice) and Rebirth, the never ending cycle.
is clear to me that the elite chose specific people who will fulfil
these major God, Goddess human personification roles, not
specifically the Royal family, although they are their supreme
deities, other Avatars as such are created and put in high office
within various industries, mainly the movie and music industries, but
we see them in sport, particularly football, and the fashion world,
in fact any profession that involves being famous, and the power to
engage many hundreds of thousands of people. I am not saying
that the people involved are aware of how their image is being used
or manipulated, but they definitely are being manipulated!
people will have various attributes which will subliminally connect
them to the person they are reaping the emotional energy for.
For example, not everyone might be willing to give Prince William the
recognition that his family think is befitting of a future King (Sun
King). Many young men prefer sport and drinking, or designer clothes.
So a person would be created in order to reap the human emotion of
these young males, (the energy of the youth is extremely important to
the Psychic Vampires), and so an icon is created who will appeal to
this group, such as David Beckham, a man who was captain of the
England football team, is extremely wealthy, married to a famous
popstar/..ahem..”fashion designer”, Victoria, who is herself a
personified moon goddess, but I won’t go there just yet!
there any connection between him and Prince William other than a few
photos which we are led to believe makes them good friends? The most
famous Sun King, Light of the World we are told was the biblical
Jesus character. Prince William is without doubt the new most
important Sun King, Light of the World, who appears in his EAST
Anglia HELI(sun)copter to save people. Beckham has images of
himself as Jesus tattooed on his body, also the words of the song of
Solomon. He is a walking ritual, with his cross on his back, and the
names of his sons Cruz and Romeo (Roman Cross) indelibly printed upon
was born 7years and 7 weeks exactly before Prince Willliam and
Williams daughter was born on Beckham’s fortieth birthday. 7
is the number of the male gods. It is worth noting also that Diana
was born 13 years 10 months and 1 day before David Beckham (13.11).
The role they gave David Beckham before and during the 2012 Olympics
went way beyond what your average “footballer did good” should
ever have accomplished. He was there at the very beginning,
literally at Prince Williams side as the city of London was announced
on 6th July 2005, and London erupted into a frenzy of cheers,
followed the next day (not coincidentally I believe) by the
7/7/7(2005) bombings, and 777 is the ultimate God number, and would
you believe the gematria (numerical code/value) in Hebrew of David
Beckham's name is 777!!
continued to show up throughout the preparations and then it was he
who went to mount Olympian with Princess Anne to personally bring the
Olympic Flame, lit by the sun surrounded by virgins, and brought it
to English soil to light the torch where it went on to encircle
Britain, before being handed back to him to carry James Bond (John
Dee) style from “the Waters of Isis” to the stadium. I
could literally type for ages about the Beckhams, but they are not
what this is about, I merely wanted to point out how certain iconic
people are used to subliminally reap energy from humans and it is
diverted to boost the aura of the people who believe themselves to be
Marilyn Monroe
do not believe avatars are a new phenomenon, in the past we had
people like Marilyn Monroe, who was in reality a Monarch programmed
sex slave to powerful men, especially the Kennedy brothers, within
the vile CIA MK Ultra mind control agenda, but whose public image was
that of a Sex Goddess.
public knew of Marilyn as a something of a “dumb blonde” whose
life seemed to mirror that of her on screen persona. Marilyn
was of course only one of her personalities. Norma Jean Baker
was a very intelligent woman, (she owned 200 books, including
Tolstoy, Whitman and Milton, and listened to Beethoven), whose early
life was that of a very vulnerable child, having been raised in
various children’s homes, before marrying a man she disturbingly
referred to as daddy at the age of only 16. They divorced in
also had a fascination with Nefertiti, the Egyptian Goddess wife of
Pharaoh Akhenaten. Of all the Egyptian Pharaohs, he is probably the
most revered by Freemasonry, and it was likely that Marilyn’s
fascination may have been a programmed one, to have her believe they
were connected. Born on 1st of June 1926, Norma Jean arrived
into the world 41days, or 1 month 11 days after the birth of the
Princess Elizabeth who was born on 21st April 1926. I believe
Marilyn was to the Queen, and also her mother another Queen
Elizabeth, what David Beckham is to Prince William.
was deliberately styled as a Goddess, and she reaped the energy of
the masses. When she died on her bed on 5th August 1962, she
was 36 years old. She died 400 days after the birth of Diana, and
again we have the 4/400 Goddess number. She also died just one
day after the 62nd birthday of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen mother.
(62= 31+31 the reverse of 13).
birth meant we now had in place the Old crone queen, the mother
queen, both Elizabeth, and the granddaughter of the old crone
Elizabeth’s good friend Ruth Roche, Baroness Fermoy, the infant
Lady Diana Francis Spencer, the virgin queen. (Diana’s mother
was Francis, and on the day she was born, one king died, King George
V and a new King was created, if only for a short reign, Edward VII
on 20/1/36.)
sacred trio was in place, or was it? Perhaps there was yet another
new Queen on the block so to speak, and a sacred foursome just would
not fit the bill!
1956, the year in which queen Elizabeth and Marilyn turned thirty,
another princess was created. Princess Grace of Monaco,
formally Hollywood actress Grace Kelly. It really was a case of
life imitating art, as in Marilyn’s The Prince and the Showgirl
movie. Marilyn acted the part of the showgirl, and Grace turned
it into a real life event on 19th April 1956. As a newlywed
Princess, Grace fulfilled a ‘virgin goddess’ role, as the Queen
Elizabeth was now a mother herself, but when Grace became a mother,
Elizabeth’s position changed to that of old crone, even though she
was still a woman who had still not completed her own family, but her
Heir had been born, Prince Charles. Old crone stage is anywhere
after the age of 36, but usually 39 and upwards.
and the Queen were both 36 the year Marilyn died. 36 is of course 39
flipped, but it’s all about the three’s, the trinity. I
suspect, and I must stress that this is my interpretation of events
after having studied the dates and numbers concerned, it was the
birth of the future wife of Charles on 1st July 1961 of Diana, that a
new virgin queen was born into the fold, the vessels in which
the bloodline kings and queens were nurtured. A major sacrificial
offering might now be in order, given that there were now two old
crones on the block, the queen and her queen mother, and as obviously
no one is going to kill off the queen mother, did they look for a
Who else would create the mega outpouring of grief that
the death of a queen might provoke? I might also pose the question,
did Marilyn become the Queens Dorian Gray, the infamous character
created by Oscar Wilde, the painting in the attic who suffered the
trauma and abuse, the horror of what really goes on behind the very
thick walls of the Royal palaces. Was she the dark side of the queen
that no one ever sees, the dark side of our Goddess Diamond Queen,
and who in the Olympic year 2012 came back from the grave in
metaphysical form to be honoured by the nations of Britain and the US
once again, and walk the halls of Windsor Castle as a true queen?
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Queen Elizabeth meets Marilyn in 1956 |
The official celebrations for the Diamond Jubilee were held over the first weekend of June 2012. Norma Jean Baker, the girl who became Marilyn Monroe would have been 86 years old on the 1st June 2012. The 1st June was also the date Princess Diana's parents married.
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Queen Anne Boleyn, note the red flower |
this point let me introduce another very important queen, one who
just keeps coming up in my research, Ann Boleyn, the second wife of
king Henry, and mother of Queen Elizabeth I.
became queen of England on 1st June 1533, in fact Norma Jean was born
on the 393rd (note the 3’s) anniversary of the date of her
Queens Jubilee floatilla on the 3rd June 2012 (3:6:3/3:6:12) was a
similar event to Anns coronation where the pregnant Queen to be,
sailed down the Thames among much pomp and ceremony to her crowning.
Anne was pregnant with queen Elizabeth I, and it was her boat, the
Gloriana which took centre stage after its very expensive
refurbishment during the 2012 event. I might also add that it has
been documented that Windsor castle, a one thousand year old
establishment, the building that hosted the image of Marilyn in
metaphysical form in the film My Week With Marilyn, Queen Anne, both
Queens Elizabeth and of course Princess Diana, is said to be haunted
by not just the ghost of Henry VIII, but also be that of Anne.
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Blood swept Lands and SEAS of Red |
the first world war centenary commemorations in 2014 a display of
thousands upon thousands of blood red ceramic poppies were placed
falling from a window in the Tower of London and covered the area
around the tower. It was named Blood swept Lands and Seas of Red.
The poppy flower has been used throughout the 20th century to
'remember the sacrifice' of men and women in war... and I have no
doubt they literally mean the sacrifice.
is also the flower of the Mother Goddess, Its seed pod can lie in the
ground for many years before its rebirth and flowering, and is
therefore also related to death and rebirth. Queen Anne was
held a prisoner in the tower in 1536 (note again the 36) and was
beheaded at the instructions of her husband on 19th May 1536. She had
been accused of adultery, witchcraft and incest!
appears that she had been falsely accused in order to dispose of her
that the King might remarry and produce a much wanted son and heir.
One of the rumours which incited the witch notion was that she was
said to have a 6th finger. There was never any evidence of
this, but it is also interesting to note that the same rumour was to
be attached to Marilyn Monroe, after a photographer in 1946 took a
picture of her on a beach and he stated that she had a sixth toe.
Like Anne, it was not true, but none the less is it not strange that
this persistent unusual rumour of affliction was levied at these two
body still lies in the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula within the tower
walls. And what has the poppies to do with Marilyn? I believe that the
poppies at the tower had little to do with the first world war, though
it was a good excuse to create it, and more to do with a mega goddess
ritual in the year that Kate Middleton was to become pregnant with yet
another royal Princess/Goddess.
The image you see (left) of Kate walking in the poppies holding one to her breast, in her Madonna blue dress was taken and shown around the world on 5th August 2014, the 52nd (13x4) anniversary of the death/sacrifice of Marilyn Munroe, and here we have a direct connection to the future Queen of England, Catherine Elizabeth, wife of William, and mother of the future king George, just yards from the beheaded body of the mother of Queen Elizabeth I and on the date Marilyn died (was sacrificed).!
Just over a month after this image was taken, Kate's pregnancy was announced on 8th September, and she would give birth to Princess Charlotte on 2nd May 2015, which just happened to be the 40th birthday of Williams Avatar, David Beckham. The 8:9:14 was the day after the 481st anniversary of Queen Elizabeth l's birth. It is also the holiday observance day in the Catholic Church of the Nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary.
Look at the image
that was put on the front page of the Daily News of Marilyn,
announcing her death. Front pages serve as an excellent way of
drawing attention from the masses who take it in on many different
Marilyn was the most famous and photographed woman in the world, and still they used this unflattering image of her to announce her death. Perhaps it has more to do with the white glove on her hand that she is holding up rather than her face, as the white glove is a symbol of Freemasonry, and they are telling us who was responsible for her death.
With the Queen of
England and her mother living out their ‘old crone’ days from the
1960’s on, Princess Grace acted out her new role as Mother Goddess
to the full, adored by the people of Monaco and Europe, and of course
back home in the US, the ultimate fairy-tale princess.
Did this mean that Grace was Europe’s Old Crone? But how could she be, Europe already had one, two in fact, the queen's Elizabeth, and they were not about to drop off and allow Grace to take their spot. And so, just as Marilyn died after her birth as the virgin queen, (remember, Marilyn never had any children) another Hollywood legend, 85 days (8+5=13) after the birth of Prince William, the beautiful Princess Grace of Monaco died on the 14th September 1982, after the car in which she was driving went off the road. 8/5 5/8 is also the date Marilyn died, 5th August.
first look at what the newly divorced Diana was doing in 1997.
I will get back to the Dodi and Di affair, but let's first just mention the death of Gianni Versace. I am sure you think there could not possibly be a connection, but I beg to differ. I think this murder was designed to be part of the ritualistic sacrifice of Diana.
Jonikal was a new purchase of Mohammed Al Fayed in 1997, and it has
been suggested it was bought especially with the idea of wooing the
Princess into marriage with his son. However I beg to differ,
yes it was bought with her in mind, but as part of the bigger
picture, it did what it was supposed to do as part of the ritual, it
got Diana out there in front of the worlds media, enabling the media
therefore to cast the image into our minds. And the public
lapped it up, they loved the unfolding drama of it all, the fiancé
of Dodi on another boat, Kelly Fisher, and the subsequent fall out,
the prospect of Diana marrying a Muslim and so forth.
Also known as the Divine Mother of the Universe!!
Yet more goddess symbolism, hid right there in your face.
And note the colour of Kali's skin, then the colour of the Princess's swimsuit on the day this image was taken, with the name Kali behind her on the boat.
After the deaths of Diana and Dodi, Al Fayed renamed the Jonikal Sokar, which is an Egyptian deity associated with Osiris, husband of Isis, who travels with Osiris as a protector through the underworld.
my mind what this alone tells us is that Mohammed Al Fayed was very
much aware of the unfolding mega ritual, he had to have been "in
on it", and if anyone still thinks not, then they are one hell
of a coincidence theorist!!
Much debate arose as to the status of the ring. Mohammed Al Fayed insisted it was an engagement ring, but we in all honesty will never really know.
is the ring as it is displayed in the memorial to Diana and Dodi in
Harrods, London.
is the mother of all demons, and consort of Lucifer. The Lily of the
Valley is yet more goddess symbolism, but perhaps the most symbolic
are the wine glasses. The blurb might state they are there
simply because they were used by them on the night they died, but the
wine glasses represents a vessel which carries symbolic blood.
The Film Titanic
Again arms outstretched in sacrificial pose!
The image you see (left) of Kate walking in the poppies holding one to her breast, in her Madonna blue dress was taken and shown around the world on 5th August 2014, the 52nd (13x4) anniversary of the death/sacrifice of Marilyn Munroe, and here we have a direct connection to the future Queen of England, Catherine Elizabeth, wife of William, and mother of the future king George, just yards from the beheaded body of the mother of Queen Elizabeth I and on the date Marilyn died (was sacrificed).!
Just over a month after this image was taken, Kate's pregnancy was announced on 8th September, and she would give birth to Princess Charlotte on 2nd May 2015, which just happened to be the 40th birthday of Williams Avatar, David Beckham. The 8:9:14 was the day after the 481st anniversary of Queen Elizabeth l's birth. It is also the holiday observance day in the Catholic Church of the Nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary.
are the flowers sacred to Demeter, who was? The sister of POSEIDON!
Marilyn was the most famous and photographed woman in the world, and still they used this unflattering image of her to announce her death. Perhaps it has more to do with the white glove on her hand that she is holding up rather than her face, as the white glove is a symbol of Freemasonry, and they are telling us who was responsible for her death.
death on 5th August was 1 year and 1 day after the birth of Barry
Soweto, who would also grow up to be in an alter persona, President
Barack Obama.
should not also be overlooked the fact that Marilyn was intimately
linked to John F. Kennedy, she was metaphorically the queen to his
Kingship. Both were a King and Queen/God and Goddess of the New
Atlantis. These ritual sacrifices have many levels incorporated into
them. Marilyn’s death was only that of her body, but her
spirit has never been allowed to be free, nor has her image, and it
has been used over and over again as the years go by.
will ever forget Elton HERCULES John singing the song Goodbye
England's Rose, a rehash of his hit Candle in the Wind at the funeral
of Diana, a song he wrote in memory of Marilyn, which included the
original version words:
crawled out of the woodwork, and whispered in your brain, they set
you on a tread mill and they made you change your name”.
expect Knight of the Realm Hercules John was very aware of the true
story of Marilyn Monroe, as he was of Princess Diana, who may well
have been mind controlled also, when he juggled the words and sang
Goodbye England’s Rose, the rose of course being more Goddess
symbolism, and is also a code word for Sion. Diana’s life in many
ways mirrored that of Marilyn’s, both were born on the 1st day of
the summer months June and July, both died in August in their 36th
year, both were married to men 12 years their senior, certainly in
Diana’s case to a man who loved another woman from the outset, both
were openly referred to in their lifetimes as goddess’s, and most
tragically, both were used and abused by the elite cults who operate
away from public view.
the lilies placed upon Diana’s coffin? Lilies being more goddess
symbolism, and these we were told were from Prince Charles, though in
Diana's butler Paul Burrell's book, a Royal Duty, he states that it
was the queen who ordered the flowers, after he and Diana's close
friend Lucia Flecha de Lima, went to see her coffin in St James
Palace and there was not one flower or candle to be seen, despite
thousands upon thousands of both outside on the lawn. Lucia told the
Queen's chaplain that if there were no flowers when she returned the
next day, she would go out and tell the people that the Princess had
no flowers. The Royal family, and especially the queen were
already facing a barrage of criticism for their insistence on staying
in Balmoral, and having little or no interaction with either press or
people of the nation.
named their new creation Marilyn Monroe, and it is also very symbolic
of the goddess. There are the obvious two M’s (4 4 or 13 13
as M is the 13th letter of the alphabet), and the mother of god name
Mary. Is Mary Lin a reference to the bloodline of Mary? We know
she was bloodline and related to the current wife of Prince Charles,
Camilla, and also to the singer Madonna. I know that not
everyone christened Marilyn has this analysis connected to their
name, and were probably given the name simply because their parents
liked it, but Marilyn Monroe’s name was chosen for her, when they
were creating this woman with the shattered mind who was moulded into
this icon, to be worshipped and adored, and how many people have been
influenced to call their daughter Marilyn because of their parents
fondness for her.
there is Monroe. The most obvious word we see is MOON, the planet of
the goddess, and which also has an effect on the earth's tides and
water, and Roe : The mass of eggs contained in the ovaries of a fish!
A reference to the goddess who came from the sea? Mon also
sounds like Mun, and mun is the German word for mind, which is very
telling, considering she was a victim of the Nazi mind control
programme that was brought from the concentration camps to the USA,
and used to create slaves to work for the agenda that is the New
World Order.
was the first Diamond Queen, as in the first Diamond programmed slave.
They are given labels of precious stones which denote the level of
programming. Marilyn was a Diamond programmed slave, a plaything for
the Elite to use and abuse.
in the Olympic year of 2012, Queen Elizabeth famously had her “Diamond
Year” or as the media dubbed her, “Our Diamond Queen”.
A film called My
Week With Marilyn was featured heavily in that years Oscar and
Golden Globes ceremonies. The Oscars and most if not all the
major award ceremonies are as many have figured also mega rituals,
bringing together under one roof the personified STARS, a Pantheon of
gods and goddess of stage and screen, and also films they need the
public to pay attention to will be featured.
actress called Michelle Williams (note the EL (Hebrew for Lord) and
William in the name) played the part of Marilyn and the plot centred
around a week in which Marilyn was in Britain filming The Prince and
the Showgirl, a film released 13 days after her 31st birthday in
1957. Special permission was granted to My Week With Marilyn
producers to film inside Windsor Castle, so we have a direct link
with the Queen and Marilyn in the guise of Michelle, the diamond
queen in the home of the diamond queen, played out on the big screens
in front of millions.
a good look at the initials of the actress and the film title MWMWWM
a film about MM. Do you think it would be a coincidence that so
many M’s and inverted M’s (W’s) should be in one sentence? Not
only is M the thirteenth letter of the alphabet but, and the number
13 is associated with all magical works and totality, but we also
have the goddess ‘4’ again. By bringing Marilyn back into our
consciousness we are giving our energy to her and by doing so, giving
our energy to those who created her and their serpent goddess.
was a personification of the same deity as the Queen is today, and
two diamond queens was a double bonus so to speak. I also have
no doubt by bringing Marilyn into the 48th Oscars it had something to
do with the Olympic Ritual, one which saw Usain Bolt become the
fastest man on earth on the 50th anniversary of Marilyn’s sacrifice
on 5th August 2012. I ask the question, do you the reader think
it a coincidence therefore that the 2016 Olympic games in Rio began
on the 54th anniversary of her death and ended on what would have
been the 86th birthday of Princess Margaret on 21st August 2016?
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Eddie Redmayne |
Also the actor Eddie
Redmayne was her love interest in the film. He was also
featured at that years Oscars. Four years later and another Olympic
year and this actor was nominated again for the part he played as a
transvestite, which is also a hermaphrodite "When two become
One" as Victoria Beckham and her bandmates famously sang, the
film being The Danish Girl.
Princess Grace/Grace Kelly
lost out to Leonardo Di Caprio, and this is more significant than you
might think as I have still to point out. I don't want to
digress too much, but let me just mention a little bit about Eddie
was born 3 days before Kate Middleton, on 6/1/82. He was in the same
year group at Eton as Prince William. His film roles have included as
with MWWM, the lover of the Goddess Marilyn Monroe, the husband of
Mary Boleyn, (lover of King Henry, and mother of his children, whom
both Kate and William descend from), in the Other Boleyn Girl.
was the sister of the beheaded queen Anne Boleyn, mother of Queen
Elizabeth. He was the Jesuit appointed assassin of Queen Elizabeth l
in Elizabeth The Golden Age, and he was in Jupiter Ascending, and
Jupiter is the Roman version of the God Hercules.
is also a Shakespearean actor, and Shakespeare was Francis Bacon, son
of Elizabeth l. I think it's fair to say Eddie Redmayne is a very
well connected for the parts he plays in these ritual energy reaping
Princess Grace/Grace Kelly
away from the glare of the public, the Virgin goddess was also
blossoming, and during the summer of 1980 she began 'dating' Prince
Charles. The media went into hyper mode when they discovered it, and
the headlines screamed the words Lady Di! Just think about that for a
were we being programmed enmass with the words Lady DIE,
whilst looking at her image via the hundreds of headlines?
On 24th February
1981 the engagement of Charles and Diana was announced to the world.
Diana dressed in the Madonna blue and white as befitting the mother
goddess stood and winced as her future husband answered the question
about being in love, to which Diana answered "Of course"
and her fiancée retorted with the words "Whatever love is!"
But the diamond and Sapphire ring had been introduced to the world,
and one week after Diana attended her first public engagement, as
pictured above, which 'just happened' to have also been attended by
Princess Grace. I have already mentioned the importance of the
numbers 36/39 regarding the mother goddess, and this meeting of the
virgin and the mother goddesses took place on 3rd March 1981, that is
3/3/81 (9).
had been a baptism of fire for poor Diana as she had worn a dress
that was a bit too revealing and showed more cleavage that was
proper, which gave the press a field day and brought Diana to tears
which prompted a hug from Grace in the toilets.
explained that the dress was not what she had wanted to wear but her
choice had not arrived in time. The cynic in me might suggest, that
someone knew the dress was inappropriate, but that all throughout
history, it is custom to depict a mother goddess figure, with at
least one breast uncovered. Obviously it was not possible in
1981 to have Diana put her bare breast on display, but having an an
ample portion peeping over the top of her dress managed to suffice,
millions still got the chance to focus on her chest thanks to the
media. Think also back to the furore regarding the topless Kate
images, just before she became pregnant with George.
29th July 1981, aged just 20 years old, she became the new Princess
Diana when she married Prince Charles. Eleven months later she duly
gave birth to Prince William, on the summer solstice of 1982.
Now, as it is she who had produced the new heir, the personified God
of the Sun, it was Diana’s turn to wear the mantle of the supreme
Mother Goddess, the personified Isis.
Did this mean that Grace was Europe’s Old Crone? But how could she be, Europe already had one, two in fact, the queen's Elizabeth, and they were not about to drop off and allow Grace to take their spot. And so, just as Marilyn died after her birth as the virgin queen, (remember, Marilyn never had any children) another Hollywood legend, 85 days (8+5=13) after the birth of Prince William, the beautiful Princess Grace of Monaco died on the 14th September 1982, after the car in which she was driving went off the road. 8/5 5/8 is also the date Marilyn died, 5th August.
the 25th year of her death, two commemorative coins were issued, but
they were not issued on the anniversary of her death, the world first
saw them on what would have been the 46th birthday of Diana on 1st
July 2007! Might it also be coincidental that Harry was born
almost on the 2nd anniversary of her death, one day afterwards on
15th September 1984.
1st July 2011, on what would have been Diana’s 50th birthday,
Princess Grace’s son and heir to the Principality of Monaco, Prince
Albert married an Olympian swimmer. He is of course an Olympian
himself, having participated in five Olympic Games from 1988 to 2002
as a member of the national bobsleigh team, and he is president of
various Olympic committees.
died aged 52 (13x4), she was born on 12/11/29, and if you add those
three numbers you get 52, and also the always significant two 11’s!
But stranger still, not only did Princess Grace's son marry on
Princess Diana's birthday, but her eldest grandson, and current fifth
in line to the Principality Andrea Casiraghi married his billionaire
girlfriend Tatiana on 31st August 2013, which was also the 16th
anniversary of Diana's death!!
Andreas and
Tatiana, on 31st August 2013, Princess Graces first grandson, and
second male heir after her son Prince Albert. Andreas is the
son of her daughter, princess Caroline. The number 4 is the number of
the goddess, and this wedding took place 40 days after the birth of
Diana's grandson Prince George, and 16years to the day after Diana
died. 16= 4x4!
while we are on the subject of weddings, I should also like to note
that on the wedding day of Kate Middleton and Prince William, the TV
had wall to wall coverage of the event. I watched with interest
as when Kate arrived at the Cathedral, the commentators were busy
speculating what her dress might be like.
Literally as she
stepped out of the car, a commentator said "Its Princess Grace",
and she was supposedly referring to the style of her Alexander
McQueen dress! More references were made later on the news coverage
of the style of dress along with images of Grace as a bride. How many
millions of people watching took on board that subliminal reference
to the dead mother goddess, she who's place Diana took as Mother
I just add another subliminal reference between the two women. On
Kate's 25th birthday on 9th January 2007, she once again made the
front pages due to stories about paparazzi harassment, and a call to
leave her alone. This of course brought mention of Diana's
harassment at the hands of the media into the story and therefore the
two women were mentioned in one story (or should I say manipulated
story). So we had the Virgin, and the Mother connected in print and
on screen. Was there mention of an Old Crone? While this was
all being played out in the media and therefore the minds of
millions, a singer called Mika released a song for download on 9th
Jan ,07...... called GRACE KELLY!!!
Grace died, to my mind, Diana then became the new supreme Mother
Goddess, the new Isis (they even named her official perfume after not
Diana, but Isis, the ultimate Egyptian mother of the Sun Goddess)
after giving birth to William.
who then was the new Virgin queen/Goddess?
young Kate Middleton with her father and sister Pippa taken when they
lived in Amman, Jordan in the early 80's. Please take note the temple
behind them is the temple of HERCULES! This image appeared in the
media on 7:3:11. 7+3=10, so removing the zero, 111, the Trident,
which is the symbol of Neptune/Poseidon.
is the common denominator? the man who sang about Marilyn and Diana
with the same tune, who was comforted by Diana in the
temple/cathedral at Versace's funeral, and here the image of the
virgin queen at his temple... ?.. ELton HERCULES John!! El is Hebrew
for God/Lord.
Hercules is believed to be the god of the
Olympian Athletes, and was the founder of the games. He was fathered
by a The God Zeus, brother of Poseidon, and his mother was a mortal
woman. Similar to the bible story when the Nephilim came down and
bred with earthly women.
Catherine Elizabeth Middleton
9th January 1982, while Diana was in the first trimester of
pregnancy, and throwing herself downstairs and the likes due to her
unhappiness, one Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was born. The
media like to peddle the myth that Kate is a commoner, yet another
fairy tale princess (or currently duchess). But this is not
true. Kate has royal blood going back to the line of the sister
of Anne Boleyn, Mary, and her two children who were fathered also
like Anne’s daughter Elizabeth by King Henry VIII.
father was a pilot who was affiliated with Prince Philip, and it
looks like a case of her having been bred for the part, just as Diana
was, via her grandmothers affiliation with the Queen mother, and
perhaps a much larger serpent cult circle. I would have no
problem believing that Kate Middleton is a very high level MK victim,
just like Marilyn, but is knowingly so. I have written about
her subsequent launch into the public collective consciousness before
in another blog. Once she became 30 years old on 9th January
2012, the year of all things Queen, Titanic centenary and Olympics
the public were bombarded with her image, via newspaper and magazine
stories, all with her on the front page, meaning that even if you are
not in the slightest bit interested in her, you are subliminally
taking in her image as you pay for your pint of milk!
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if Kate is not the main image, she will be in one of the corners, or
that of her sister Pippa, who they have made almost as famous.
Magazine is one of the biggest Royal family propaganda machines there
is, constantly putting forth the notion that these people are to be
honoured and adored above everyone else! We are definitely being
programmed to worship this new Goddess in the form of Kate. But when
did the programming begin, was it when she walked the ‘cat’ walk
(Kitten MK programming?) in a see/sea through dress? When she
‘coincidentally’ became a flat mate of Williams at St. Andrews
University, like we are supposed to believe that a woman who breeds
million pound race horses, the queen, would allow her prized grandson
to just marry any old genetic mix of human? And people actually
believe this? Not a snowballs chance in hell was this pairing brought
about by simply two university friends ‘getting together’. So to
answer my own question as to when the public programming began, let’s
look at a few clues.....
The Titanic
rewind way back to 31/3/1909, and a ship that was to become the most
famous ship in the world, ever, was laid down, and launched two years
later on 31/5/1911. (Note the 13’s in the dates, and of course the
9/11 years) from Harland and Wolfe Shipyard in Belfast. It was one of
three ships commissioned all of which were named Olympic Class
Liners. I am referring of course to the Titanic. Her sister
ships (strange how they were always referred to by female gender, I
presume due to them being a vessel for humans on/in water), were RMS
Olympic and HMHS Britannic.
belonged to the White Star line, its chairman being J.Bruce Ismay and
the American financier (and one might say huge Illuminati insider,)
J.P. Morgan. Her ‘maiden’ voyage commenced on 10th April
1912, and on 12th April it set sail from Southampton, destination New
The shock and trauma of the news of so many people dying in such a horrific manner in peacetime pre-first world war Europe and the USA one can only assume was similar in fashion to that of the collapse of the twin towers.
Diana, 1997
had 2223 passengers and crew on board. On the evening of 14th
April it hit an iceberg at 11:40 pm, and sank 2hours 40 minutes later
in the early hours of 15th April.
Left, White Star line poster, the trident and dolphin, symbols of Poseidon, and the Caduceus symbol of Hermes. The white pentagram symbol of Venus, Lucifer and Witchcraft.
Left, White Star line poster, the trident and dolphin, symbols of Poseidon, and the Caduceus symbol of Hermes. The white pentagram symbol of Venus, Lucifer and Witchcraft.
The shock and trauma of the news of so many people dying in such a horrific manner in peacetime pre-first world war Europe and the USA one can only assume was similar in fashion to that of the collapse of the twin towers.
might be worth looking into the reasons why the Titanic sank, given
that there were on board several influential bankers, who just
happened to be objecting to the creation of the US Federal Reserve
private banking system, and the sinking of the ship conveniently got
rid of the problem, paving the way for the Rothschild banking system
to be put in place, and therefore the funding machine for the still
to come, but very much planned first world war.
There is much
more to this, but as it is not relevant to this particular topic,
suffice to say, I believe that the Titanic was no accident, and the
resulting deaths were yet another mega-ritual sacrifice.
Belfast, there was much shame among the ship builders that this
‘unsinkable’ ship they had built, sank with such a tragic
outcome, and they preferred to just not speak of it. But as
with any major Illuminated ones sacrifice, it is a favourite pastime
of theirs to keep bringing the sacrificial victims back into the
consciousness of the public, as we have seen with people such as
Marilyn above. That way human energy is always focused on the
victims, the tragedy of it all, and the sacrifice.
constant talk of the world wars are another perfect example, every
anniversary is remembered, even celebrated, and all the talk of the
sacrifice made, they just don’t bother telling you they made the
ultimate sacrifice to enable them to take more steps towards their
end one world/new world order… their New Atlantis.
fitting therefore that their first mega-ritual of the twentieth
century was a vessel of humans, on 15th April 1912, who fell to the
bottom of the ocean in the Atlantic/s, literally the land of
Atlantis, and where they lay undisturbed for decades.
voyage to the New World began on 12:4:12, which when the numbers are
added is 3:4:3, and this was 99 days exactly (99=33x3) until
Neptunalia on 23rd July 1912. On board were 2223 people. 222x3=666!
am suggesting, given the various numbers and symbolism, that the
Titanic sinking was the first major sacrificial offering at the
beginning of the twentieth century, as the time was nigh to welcome
in the Age of Aquarius, and the rising of Francis Bacons New
Atlantis, and of course it's new King, God of the Sea
Poseidon/Neptune, but he wouldn't be on the scene for quite
sometime.... One hundred years to be precise!
the meantime they would keep working on the bloodline Queens and
Princess vessels, and the Titanic would be consigned to the history
then came James Cameron, the film director who announced in 1996
(Olympic year) that he was going to bring the whole sorry tale back
to life, and create a blockbuster movie that would engage the minds
of hundreds of millions of people, just as Hollywood had brought
Marilyn back to life for the 2012 goddess/queen year, 1997 was the
year in which the world would relive the sinking of the Titanic.
It was also of course the year Diana died in a tunnel which ran along
side the 777km river Seine in Paris.
Diana, 1997
the first half of the year she had graced many front pages due to
various events and causes. She was involved in drawing
attention to land mines and ruffling a few feathers in the process.
June she auctioned off some of her dresses in New York and made
hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity, and she continued in
that vein, travelling and being very public although she was no
longer "a Royal Highness", she was still the Princess of
Wales, and mother of the future king, and was a self declared "queen
of Hearts".
could be said that outwardly at least, she was looking better than
she had ever done before, having conquered her eating disorders which
were perhaps a symptom of her helplessness at being trapped in such
an unhappy marriage, and cold family. By 1997, she was the epitome of
a statuesque Roman Goddess type of beauty.
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Hasnat Khan |
personal life remained under extreme scrutiny. It had been
revealed that she had had an affair with a heart surgeon named Hasnat
Khan. He had ended the affair as he could not deal with the
media circus that surrounded Diana, as he was a very private man.
And then things took
a strange twist. Diana and her sons were invited by the then
owner of Harrods, Muhammod Al Fayed to holiday at his home in the
South of France. We are told that it was during this holiday she
first met Al Fayed's son Dodi, and the rest as they say, is history !
the Queen of Hearts, was heart broken. She had dreamed of a new
life with Hasnat, but it was not to be.
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outside his Scottish castle, where he owns an entire estate. As
you see he was very aware of the origins of the name of Scotland,
named after Queen Scota, the daughter of the Pharaoh Akenhaten, the
Egyptian king who is thee most revered within Freemasonry, and the
cult of Aton.
So whose idea was it then to have Diana/Isis, mother of the Sun King, married off to an Egyptian billionaire?
image needs no explanation. Diana did know Dodi previous to the
summer of 1997.
So whose idea was it then to have Diana/Isis, mother of the Sun King, married off to an Egyptian billionaire?
death of Diana Princess of Wales on 31st August 1997 in a Parisian
tunnel shocked the entire world. We had not collectively
mourned the passing of one so famous and adored by the masses since
the death of John F. Kennedy, who please note had been "romantically
involved" with the sex goddess Marilyn Monroe, whom I have
already detailed.
Al Fayed just seemed to appear from nowhere. Most people were
not aware of his existence before the summer of 1997.
El-Din Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Fayed, better known as Dodi Fayed, was
born on 15th April 1955 ( on the 43rd anniversary of the
sinking of the Titanic!) in Alexandria, Egypt. The
queens middle name is Alexandria, and Prince George is George
Alexander Louis. Prince William is William Arthur Philip Louis.
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2nd July 1988, Diana and William in the stands with Dodi Fayed and Mohamed Al Fayed at the Harrods Trophy Challenge, Smith's Lawn, Windsor. |
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all the images the public were bombarded with, this one was perhaps the
most sinister, due to the pose of Diana, symbolic of the sacrificed
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Diana fully immersed in water on the front page of July 26th issue of Hello magazine, the biggest royal family propaganda rag! Note also the image of the murdered Gianni Versace in the corner. |
I will get back to the Dodi and Di affair, but let's first just mention the death of Gianni Versace. I am sure you think there could not possibly be a connection, but I beg to differ. I think this murder was designed to be part of the ritualistic sacrifice of Diana.
me explain...
and Charles were officially divorced on 15th July 1996. On that date
she lost her Royal Highness title. 15th July is the 196th day
of the year, with 169 days remaining. 96/69, highly symbolic numbers
as we have seen with the events of 2016 and the deaths of so many
69yr olds from cancer, the astrological sign for cancer is of course
69. Diana was born under the sign of Cancer on 1:7:61.
the first anniversary of the divorce, 15:7:97, one of Diana's friends
Gianni Versace was gunned down outside his home in Miami Florida.
Beside his body was placed a dead turtle dove, a symbol of the
goddess of love, dead!
dead dove was also a symbol of a Mafia hit, and despite his family's
repeated denials, this has always been a very probable conclusion,
that it was the same Mafia who also have links to CIA drug running
operations. Whoever it was who killed him, as with all of these
rituals, there is the official killer. And just look at his
The "killer" by some weird coincidence was named Andrew
Philip??, as in Prince Andrew, Diana's former brother in law, and
Philip her former father in law??
man who Mohammed Al Fayed repeatedly claimed killed his son and
Diana. And just look when he was born... 31st August 1969??
(Again note the 969). The 27 year old would have been 28years old on
the day Diana died. But like Diana he didn't survive the summer of
1997, as he was found shot dead ON A BOAT, (in water) on 23rd July.
And again, 23rd July IS THE FESTIVAL OF NEPTUNALIA.... the day
dedicated to the God Poseidon, God of the sea and King of Atlantis!.
23rd July 1997 was also the 11th anniversary of the wedding of the
above named Prince Andrew, the queen's then sailor son!
was cremated in a ceremony in Miami on 17th July, and just guess what
that date was... The 50th birthday of Camilla Parker Bowles, Diana's
rival, and the woman who would take her place officially at Charles
side... (the new Queen)
ceremony in Miami was a much smaller affair, the big ceremony would
take place on 22nd July when over two thousand people would attend a
service in Milan Cathedral, a cathedral dedicated to St Mary of
the Nativity (Santa Maria Nascente), ??
just look who took centre stage, the one image that millions would
focus on, the attendance of Princess Diana, 40 days later, she
too would be dead. 40/400, multiples of the goddess number.
(Marilyn died 400 days after Diana was born.)
Another major occult
number is 11, the twin towers, it is the number of evil magic.
The number of days from Versace's murder and the murder of Diana is
47 days. 4+7=11, 47 days is also 1 month 16 days, 116. Camilla Parker
Bowels was born in 1947.
each side of Diana are Elton Hercules John, who as already mentioned
sang at Diana's funeral, and Sting. Both were front row as they
together gave a rendition of the 23rd Psalm, the Lord is my Shepherd.
Actually the verses are PSALMS 23:1-6, which make 23/7, the date of
Neptunalia again!
gematria (numerical value of) the name Sting equals.. 69, the man who
wrote and sang the sinister song, Every Breath you Take, I'll bewatching you!
a King of Fashion, and his most famous Fashion Queen in the world,
Princess Diana, both dead within 47days of each other.
cathedral is of course a temple. This temple dedicated to the mother
of the sun god and his birth, Mary and the nativity, had the mother
of the personified sun god William, on the day exactly 16 (4x4)
years TO THE DAY to the birth of Prince George, the day Kate
Middleton became the new mother goddess of the Western World, 22nd
July, the day before the day of Neptune. Cunanan, the man accused of
Versace's murder as I said died the next day, and that too was
16years to the day when Prince George was introduced to the world via
the media in his mother arms, Neptunalia day, the day to honour the
God of the Sea.
symbol for Versace is the head of the goddess Medusa, when she still
had her flowing locks of hair and was "a beautiful woman with a
supernatural aura". Her downfall happened when she
allowed herself to be seduced by POSEIDON in The temple of Athena.
Athena was so angry she turned Medusas hair into serpents and her
beautiful face ugly, so ugly that when she was later beheaded it was
used as a weapon on a spike to scare others. The blood
from her head turned into more serpents as it hit the ground. What
a pleasant tale! And this is the goddess lover of Poseidon whose
image was prominent during the events of summer 1997.
will just finish the Versace link with one more dot. Gianni
Versace held his very last fashion show in The RITZ hotel Paris on
the 1st week of July 1997, when he presented his Haute Couture
range. I have read somewhere it actually was on the 1st, but
didn't save the link and cannot now find it, and 1 July was of course
Diana's last birthday on Earth.
It was an unusual collection, featuring dresses , mainly black or gold, adorned with crosses, the type we associate with the crucifixion. The finale had Naomi Campbell as a bride with a large cross on the back of her veil and jewelled ones over the gown as shown.
It was an unusual collection, featuring dresses , mainly black or gold, adorned with crosses, the type we associate with the crucifixion. The finale had Naomi Campbell as a bride with a large cross on the back of her veil and jewelled ones over the gown as shown.
fashion King and Queen at the Ritz, Paris, the city named after the
Goddess Isis.
all this incredible symbolism via dates, numbers, symbols and names
be just some weird coincidence? Or was the death of Gianni Versace
part of the Mega ritual sacrifice of Diana, Princess of Wales, the
personified mother Goddess, who never got the chance to become the
Old Crone, the wise old lady, due to the fact that the Royal family
already had two of their own... the queen's Elizabeth.
is one of the most iconic images of Diana, dressed in a blue swimsuit
and sitting at the end of the diving board of the Jonikal. It was
taken the day after Versace was murdered. As we see from the
excerpt, she asked a bodyguard, "Do you think they will do that
to me".
take a good look at the name of the boat.. Jonikal .... hid there
right in your face... jon KALI, and Kali is .......
Also known as the Divine Mother of the Universe!!
Yet more goddess symbolism, hid right there in your face.
And note the colour of Kali's skin, then the colour of the Princess's swimsuit on the day this image was taken, with the name Kali behind her on the boat.
After the deaths of Diana and Dodi, Al Fayed renamed the Jonikal Sokar, which is an Egyptian deity associated with Osiris, husband of Isis, who travels with Osiris as a protector through the underworld.
Jonikal was moored in Monaco, and of course this was the principality
of Prince Rainer and his family, where Princess Grace lies in the
cathedral. And we had all this drama begin literally within a short
distance from where Princess Graces body lay.
fact, on the 30th August, we were told that Diana and Dodi did a very
quick sightseeing tour of Monaco. And of course Grace's
children were always sharing the headlines with the British Royal
family, especially Diana. Remember I stated earlier that I believe
Grace was sacrificed when Diana became a mother, so just how weird
was it therefore that Diana should be within kilometres of the body
of Princess Grace on the day she too would die?
is the "engagement" ring that Dodi bought in the Monaco
jewellers, Repossi, (the owner of which "just happens" to
be a good friend of Prince Albert of Monaco), and which was collected
from the Parisian shop when the couple arrived in Paris on 30th
not only was Diana in both Monaco and Paris that day, so too was the
ring, and a ring is of course a circle, 360 degrees, the 36 again.
Much debate arose as to the status of the ring. Mohammed Al Fayed insisted it was an engagement ring, but we in all honesty will never really know.
it is within a Pyramid, which also contains the wine glasses
supposedly used by Diana and Dodi on the night they died.
too, the images of the couple within a 66! With a bird looking down
on Diana. The bird represents Isis in bird form.
equals two 33's, but it is also more sinister in that it is the
number related to the dark goddess Lilith, who is a supreme goddess
within the dark occult.
carried the bloodline, it was her sole purpose in life, once she had
accomplished that her role was complete. The bird is pointing
to Diana, she is the most important one here, she is the vessel.
Pyramid represents the temple of the high priest, as does the
pyramids all over the world, not just Egypt, though they tend to have
the monopoly on them. The vessel and the ring within the
temple. Note too that the actual ring is yet more Pyramid symbolism,
the main diamond is an opened out Pyramid. Surrounded by a mound of
diamonds. For Diana, the diamond queen and a Pyramid for a
whole monument stands within two candle pillars, and it is without
doubt that this whole display is embedded with Masonic symbolism.
Alfayed unveiled the first of two memorials to Dodi and Diana on 12th
April 1998 in Harrods, and the both are dressed in black, on top of a
black pyramid. The ring Dodi gave Diana and a wine glass with
Diana’s lipstick print on it (wine vessel)
April 1998 was the 87th anniversary of Titanic Olympic leaving
Again arms outstretched in sacrificial pose!
are all aware of the importance of ceremony, not just to the elite,
but everyone. We have all attended christenings/baptisms,
weddings and funerals, all major landmarks in the lives of humans
everywhere of all religions and none. We sing the specially selected
hymns, say the prayers and listen to the readings. But how many
ever question the symbolism of the water over the child, the veil
over the bride or the rings placed upon the couples fingers, the
wafer and the wine's real meaning?
write from the Christian church point of view, but all religion has
its ceremony and symbolism, and even though it would be hotly
disputed by their various priests, who have been versed in one
official excuse, the fact is they are all rooted in in the same
Astro-theological events, the worship of the planets and stars and
their effect on the world, as above, so below.
I am trying to get across to the reader is that Diana's death was a
major death and resurrection/rebirth ritual, or ceremony, in the same
manner as the Birth, death and resurrection/rebirth of Jesus Christ
is focused on and prayed and sung about by literally billions of
people, by focusing on the events of 1996/97 & 98 we
were unwitting attendants at the ceremony of the death and
resurrection not of Jesus, but of the elites self appointed Mother
Goddess, the mother of the Sun god, and whilst the world was not yet
aware of the Virgin goddess Kate back in 1997, she was still there,
metaphysically, right in front of us as we sat in awe in the Cinema,
the temple of the moon, as CIN means moon, in total ignorance of our
This is how powerful and complete our minds have
been controlled by these powerful people.
the Goddess of the moon, the hunter goddess, who became the most
hunted of them all, as her brother pointed out at her funeral, as he
lent further credence to the official cover story that she died due
to the paparazzi chasing her in Paris.
Titanic, was named after the Greek feminine version of the Titans,
Titanesses/Titanis, who were in mythology predecessors of the
Olympians were the primordial divine beings, born of Chaos and
Chronus, and all were versions of the original Atlantean deities.
film about that fateful night on 15th April 1912, had been due for
release in the summer of 1997, this was when James Cameron originally
had stated the film would be in the cinemas, but problems with
production forced the delay of the films release which did not
therefore take place until 18th November in the U.K. and 14th
December 1997.
think this caused a major blip in the ritual, as had it been released
that summer, literally millions of people would have been focused on
this giant vessel and its Stars sinking whilst also being fed
overkill images of Diana and her sons in water all summer, and on
board Al Fayed's yacht the Jonakil.
the film was in the media many times due to various stories from the
how much it was costing, any setbacks Cameron was experiencing and so
forth. This meant we were still subliminally taking on board
this film at the same time as the unfolding drama connected to
Princess Diana, and then of course her death on 31:8:97. And
the effect of that on the whole world let alone her home country was
unlike anything we had ever seen before.
of us are now aware of the occult origins of the date 9/11 and the
reason the twin towers fell in full view literally of the world, and
we saw it over and over again. The death of Diana was another mega
ritual of 9/11 proportions, and therefore, Cameron and his cohorts
thought it fitting that this film as I am about to demonstrate was a
form of ceremony to engage us in the resurrection of the
goddess, as metaphorically the queen of Hearts Heart Will Go On, as
The theme tune suggests.
And therefore it was released in the
U.K. on 18:11:97, which of course is 9/11 (8+1)!!
the USA it was released on 14:12:97, which just happened to have been
the 102 year anniversary of the birth of King George VI, the queen's
am sure at this stage you are quite baffled by this statement, maybe
even questioning my sanity, how could the death of Diana Princess of
Wales be in any way connected to a Hollywood block buster film? And
how on earth had it anything to do with the then unheard of Kate
stay with me just a while longer and let me explain......
plot centres around the search for a blue diamond necklace which was
supposedly on board the ship when it sank. The main character
Rose appeared as a lady who told the spell bound crew of the vessel
who were hoping to find the necklace the story about her and Jack on
that fateful day.
DeWitt Bukater (Kate Elizabeth Winslet) was a first class passenger
on board the Titanic with her mother Ruth, (Francis Fisher) and
fiancé Cal (Billy Zane). Cal had given the necklace to Rose as
an engagement present, and it was kept in a safe in her cabin.
Rose did not want to marry Cal, but was under duress from her mother
as the marriage would help the families ailing fortunes after the
death of her father.
In despair she considered jumping
overboard, but was talked out of it by a third class passenger Jack,
(Leonardo Di Caprio), an artist, whom Rose fell in love with. She
allowed him to sketch her wearing the necklace. Cal discovers
the drawing and is livid and tries to frame Jack for stealing the
so the story goes on as the evening unfolds, the ship hits an iceberg
and a lot of drama ensues, the ship sinks and Rose and Jack manage to
stay afloat, but Jack succumbs to the icy waters and dies and Rose
gets rescued, with the necklace in the pocket of Cals coat which she
is wearing. I could go on, but it's a long film, and this is an
already long blog!!
I wish to bring to your attention is not necessarily the plot, though
the necklace is important and I will detail this later, but the
synchronicities and similarities as stated to the real life
drama unfolding in France and Diana's life and death.
Rose Dewitt Bukater/Kate Winslett
poses for Jack wearing the Heart of the Ocean necklace.
Elizabeth Winslet, the co-star of the film and her character was Rose
Dewitt Bukater. Could it have been a mere coincidence that the
star of the film had the same Christian names as the girl who was to
take Diana's place as the ultimate mother Goddess, the mother of the
Windsor families royal heir, the family who believe themselves to be
the superior bloodline, Kate (Catherine) Elizabeth Middleton?
public at large was not aware of her existence other than "somewhere
out there" will be the lucky girl who will steal the heart of
the young Prince William when he is older, (remember in 1997 he was
only 15 years old).
Kate Middleton was just an unknown school
girl, but I suggest she was much more. She was groomed from
birth for her role, and would have been specifically chosen. I
believe Kate may also be a high level MK Ultra "victim", a
programmed slave, and it is quite likely Diana was too. Even if this
is not the case, she was already chosen in 1997.
back to Kate Winslet's role. Giving her the name Rose was a
symbol of her secret Goddess persona. The Rose is the ultimate
flower, and is also a code word for Sion, and the secret society
known as the Rosicrucians, the Rosy Cross. Perhaps Cameron is a
member, who knows, but he is certainly an initiate of some high high
Order and his high position within the film industry proves that,
along with the knowledge hidden in your face encoded within his
films. One of which the Titanic I am trying to unravel here.
BuKATEr? Rose and Kate in the same name? Dewitt could possibly be a
reference if one changed the letter D to H to Hewitt as in James
Hewitt, the real father of Prince Harry. Hewitt told Max
Clifford, who subsequently recorded it in his 2005 autobiography that
James Hewitt told him his affair with Diana began in 1982, the year
William was born. He had enlisted Clifford and his PR skills to
keep this out of the press. Clifford is currently in prison....
go figure as they say!!
Dewitt Bukater was travelling with her mother Ruth Dewitt Bukater, who
was played by actress Francis Fisher. Here again we have one of
those amazing "coincidences", because not only have we a
reference to the woman who would take Diana's place, Kate Elizabeth,
but we also have playing the role of her mother a Ruth aka Francis
Diana's birth name was Diana Francis Spencer, and she was given the
name Francis after her mother, Francis Ruth Roche, and she in turn
was named after her mother, Diana's maternal grandmother, (and lady
in waiting to Queen Elizabeth, the queen mother) Ruth Roche, Baroness
of Fermoy...... seriously? What are the odds of this being a
Not only that, but we had the name Fisher, and
this may be a reference to Kelly Fisher, Dodi's spurned fiancé who
featured heavily during that August of 1997. It was widely
reported her anger at Diana stealing her man, and her humiliation
that she had been kept on one boat (note more water vessels) whilst
Dodi spent his time on another with Diana. Kelly's involvement
created a love triangle between her Diana and Dodi, just as Rose,
Jack and Cal had one on-board the Titanic. I might just add another
link with the Kelly, as Kelly was Princess Graces maiden name.
was played by actor Billy Zane, whose full name is would you
believe... WILLIAM GEORGE Zane???? William and George, the son and
Grandson to be of Diana, and we are talking sixteen years before his
birth! And CAL? Prince George's full name is George Alexander Louis,
GAL/CAL? Was James Cameron psychic??
![]() |
and Rose admire the necklace he gave her as an engagement gift. Much
more to come about it!
Jack Dawson/Leonardo Di Caprio
stands waiting for Rose on the staircase of the Titanic. In reality
the staircase was copied from the one on her sister ship the Olympia.
Note the clock behind him, with the goddesses Honour and Glory on
each side of Time.
symbolism of the oak staircase decoded. At the very end of the
film, Rose dies and joins the waiting ghost of Jack by this
clock, applauded by the rest of the passengers and crew who also died
that night, the reference being that they did not die, they live on
in another dimension, they were ''resurrected".
love interest and co star was of course Leonardo Di Caprio, who
played the young artist Jack Dawson.
E O N A R D O. D I. C A P R I O
a really good look at the name. It's like one of those illusion
double meaning images, hidden in plain sight. Leonard DODI
Caprio. See it now? Not only is Dodi's name slap right bang in the
middle, but if you take his full name Leonardo Wilhelm Di Caprio, and
just use the letters but using some of them two or three times, e.g.
d,a,n,i, you can make the sentence...
and Diana will die in a car in Pari. Henri Pal. (No u or
s, but the message is clear)
actor has encoded into his name the biggest goddess ritual the world
has ever seen. Henri Paul was of course the driver who was
framed to take the blame along with the paparazzi.
death caused a spiritual tsunami. Her funeral on 6th September (note
again we have the 6/9) had literally billions of people focused in
disbelief. In fact that whole week from 31st August through to 6th
September. Can you even begin to imagine how much emotional
energy that created.
Like a church service where a congregation
prays and sings praise to god, in the belief that the collective
energy is going to the ether and reaching another dimension, the
realm of the trinity, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (the mother
goddess by a different name) or any religious service, this is the
same idea, but the powers that be no longer need to get us into a
temple or church to reap our energy and devote it to the gods they
have created in their controlled religions, they simply use their
mass mind control tool, the media which they also control. Who needs
statues of the Virgin Mary in the window for people to give energy to
the mother goddess, when they simply need to place her on TV or on
the front page of a magazine or newspaper, which we literally bow our
heads to read.
here we had this Leonardo Di Caprio, starring in a movie with a woman
who had the same name as the girl who was her future daughter in law,
Kate, and who would replace Diana, and who would wear the sapphire
ring, and also a man who had the same names as Diana's son and a
grandson who wouldn't even be born for another 16years, William and
George (Billy Zane), and of course let's not forget the names of
Diana herself plus mother and grandmother, Francis and Ruth!!
was born on 11th November 1974, that's 11:11:11 (7+4), which is of
course 33. Eleven is such an important number in these rituals,
it represents evil magic.
character's name in the film was Jack Dawson. Jack is a named derived
from James and as I have said may allude to James Hewitt. But
also within the name we have Jackdaw. A Jackdaw is the name of
a raven.
raven is a contrary spirit. On the negative side the raven
represents the profane, the devil, evil spirits, the trickster, the
thief, war, destruction, death and doom, the void
Raven is both the symbol of the sun, and the symbol of a moonless
night. She is the birth giving light in the center of our galaxy, and
the black hole in the center of the universe, to which we are all
traveling to our eventual extinction.
is the fatal touch of the Calleach in winter, the wisdom of Odin, the
vessel of prophecy given to a seer, the mighty protector of the
Western Isles, and the healing message of an Indian shaman.
is a complex bird, both in nature and in mythology."
Diana died on a moonless night. 31:8:97 had a slither of a moon, also
known as a VIRGIN moon!!
in many cultures ravens also represent deep magic, the mysteries of
the unknown, death and transformation, creation, healing, wisdom,
protection and prophecy.
wonder which if any our Titanic Jackdaw/Raven represented.
Cornwall, as in England, King Arthur is said to live on in the form
of a raven, and it is unlucky to shoot one.
not your worships read the annals and histories of England, in which
are recorded the famous deeds of King Arthur, whom we in our popular
Castilian invariably call King Artus, with regard to whom it is an
ancient tradition, and commonly received all over that kingdom of
Great Britain, that this king did not die, but was changed by magic
art into a raven, and that in process of time he is to return to
reign and recover his kingdom and scepter; for which reason it cannot
be proved that from that time to this any Englishman ever killed a
Don Quixote by Cervantes.
Don Quixote by Cervantes.
according to this Cornish legend, a raven also represents the spirit
of King Arthur. And what a coincidence therefore that Prince
William is Will I am Arthur!
Scottish goddess of winter, The Calleach, sometimes appears as a
raven, a touch from her brings death!
folklore from the outer Hebrides says that to give a child its first
drink from the skull of a raven will give the child powers of
prophecy and wisdom.
Pan-Celtic goddess Morgan Le Fey, the queen of the fairies had a
totem of a raven, and we might also remember the film Sleeping
Beauty, and more recently Maleficent, had a pet Raven which she
turned into whatever creature she required to do her will, from man
to wolf, and even a fire breathing dragon.
let's not forget the ravens in the Tower of London. The raven
was the totem of the Welsh god Bran the blessed, the giant protector
of Britain, whose decapitated head became an oracle. Eventually
Bran asked to have his head buried in Tower Hill, to protect Britain
from invasion, and the ravens which are his avatars,are in the tower
to this very day. During world war ll Tower Hill was bombed,
and the ravens were lost. Churchill being aware of the ancient
legends had them replaced immediately, and they were brought from
Celtic lands, Welsh hills and Scottish highlands to protect the
Tower, and the most famous queen and queen mother of them all, and I
have already mentioned her earlier, Queen Anne Boleyn's death and
headless body was and is in the tower protected by the ravens.
I think it might be a fair assumption that giving the love interest
of Rose the name of a raven, albeit a hid in your face
reference via the name Jackdaw son/sun? they were bringing this
highly significant and symbolic bird to the ritual/ceremony being
played out on the screen.
there are yet more name "coincidences"...
example, Molly Browns character played by Cathy (Catherine) Bates.
old lady who played Rose was called Gloria Stuart, and the royals
descend from the House of Stuart, also Gloriana was another name
given to Elizabeth l.
friend Fabrizio De Rossi, played by Danny Nucci, his birthday is 15th
September 1968, prince Harry was born on his 16th birthday!
actor David Warner played Cals sinister right hand man Spicer
(Spencer?) Lovejoy, and his date of birth is 29:7:1941.
Charles and Diana married on his 40th birthday!!...
there's more....
William - Bill Paxman who played a Brock Lovett, and they even had a
Charlotte! Madeline Astor was played by actress Charlotte
we have Bernard Hill, who was born on the sacred day to Saturn,
Saturnalia, 17th December 1944. Celine Dion was married on his 50th
Celine Dion
with any good ceremony, there are always songs of praise, the old
fashioned term is hymns, which are tailored to the specific reason
for the ceremony, for example, carols are sung at Christmas.
events of 1996/1997, was the ritual that became enshrined in the
ceremony via the movie Titanic, in the same way we are told of events
leading up to the death of Jesus from Palm Sunday to the crucifixion
and it is remembered in a ceremony called Easter. I hope this makes
sense to the reader. The final months and death of Diana, the
Queen of Hearts, and the reference that her Heart Will Go On, it will
beat again in her replacement, Kate, after Diana's death and
woman chosen to sing the theme tune of the Titanic movie was Celine
Dion, the lady with the big voice and the name of the Moon goddess,
The goddess associated with water. The name Celine/Selene is
the Greek version of the goddess of the moon, and her Roman
equivalent was ... Diana!
One of her symbols was a torch as can be seen in the stone carving, and she also has a crescent moon on her head.
And of course we have the abbreviated version of Diana's name in Celine's surname... Di on.
the filming of the Titanic movie was ongoing, elsewhere in the US, in
Atlanta the 1996 Olympics were taking place. The centenary games.
carefully at the images of the two flames, (twin flames?) which were
one, the logo of the games that year, and two, the identical image of
the flame placed on top of the Alma Tunnel in Paris, the site where
Diana died under the gaze of the Eifle tower, the most famous Phallic
monument in Europe. (pic below)
flame is also a replica of that held by the Statue of Liberty, which
was itself a gift from the French Freemasons to their American
Statue overlooked the fall of the twin towers, just as the tower
overlooked the death of Diana.
Atlanta logo to me could be construed as a subliminal reference to
the death of Diana and her three male fellow passengers, however one
did survive, with no memory of the event, as the three
pentagrams and one almost pentagram ascending from the flame.
on the subject of monuments, I think it essential to point this one
out, as it was gifted to Atlanta by The Prince of Wales institute of
architecture, to mark the centenary games in 1996, and is named locally
after him. Within the structure there is a cauldron which emits a fire,
"invoking the Olympic flame" (wiki)
top are five Atlases, who was a god who held up the sky. Various
mythologies claim him, but they have their origins in him being a king
of Atlantis, the Atlantic Ocean is named after him, and Atlantis is the
island of Atlas. Note the giant Egyptian obelisk building behind the
princess Diana died, hundreds gathered around this monument , with its
cauldron of fire, and gods of Atlantis, and mourned her!! They joined in
the ceremony
and a video was released of Kate talking about childrens mental
health, it is very rare that the public ever get to hear her actually
talk, so it was given much attention in the media. The setting
was a classroom. She was in her usual Madonna blue and white, as
befitting the mother of a God, who is in my view Poseidon incarnate,
and just look at the one word we can see directly behind her, ATLAS!!
both Southampton and Belfast stand goddess statues as memorials to
the victims of the Titanic.
goddess who stands at the City Hall in Belfast is receiving the
bodies of two seamen who are being offered up by two mermaids.
day that it was announced to the world that Kate was pregnant with
Prince George, on 3rd December 2012 (3:3:3), Belfast city council
decided to not fly the union jack on the city hall, and knowing full
well how the natives would respond to this, ensured that all hell
broke loose as hundred of angry people gathered at the city hall, who
were all overlooked by the goddess of death as she stood silently in
front of them and carved Titanic victims at her feet.
with the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony the 1996 Atlanta
opening ceremony had some very strange enactments, such as the spirit
of the sun and moon personified and surrounded by butterflies
(symbolic of death and rebirth, and also of MK Ultra programming), in
the ceremony the butterflies were killed then reborn as the sun/moon
spirit came back. It is too long to go into, but the gist was birth,
death and rebirth.
Could it be possible that they were symbolising
the death and rebirth of a mega famous goddess? Diana being the
goddess in death, Kate the reborn virgin goddess? Just before this
section of the ceremony we had Gladys KNIGHT sing GEORGia! In a red
gown. Red being a symbolic colour of the goddess Lilith, the original
Scarlet woman. Red is also of course the colour of blood.
after this segment there appeared an advert which focused on the
World Trade Centre twin towers, and an athlete, who appeared to be
falling from the towers!! This was five years before the 9/11 fall of
the towers, but most definitely predictive programming, just as the
death of Diana was, as I hope I am pointing out here. And let's not
forget, the Titanic movie was released on 9/11 in London (18th Nov,)
the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta
games, Celine sang the
song Power of the Dream In front of a giant burning torch. How very
the first line of the chorus..
the flame forever burn
lessons we must learn
bring us closer to the power of the Dream."
of the Dream was released as a B side to Dion's big hit "It's
All Coming back to me now" on 29th July 1996, which
"coincidently" (that word again!) just happened to be the
15th anniversary of Prince Charles and Diana's wedding!
clever camera work which imposed the image of the flame over Celine
The moon goddess and the flame.
Take another look at the two images of the flames above, in Paris and on the Atlanta 1996 logo.
It's All Coming Back To Me Now was a song penned by the master of the Power Ballad Jim Steinman. When describing it he said
"This isn't Wuthering Heights of Kate Bush, that little fanciful Wuthering Heights, the scene they always cut out is the scene when Heathcliff digs up CATHERINE'S body and dances in the MOONLIGHT and on a beach with it. You can't get more operatic or passionate than that. I was trying to write a song about dead things coming to life.... about being enslaved and obsessed by love, the ability to be resurrected by it". Source Wik
The moon goddess and the flame.
Take another look at the two images of the flames above, in Paris and on the Atlanta 1996 logo.
It's All Coming Back To Me Now was a song penned by the master of the Power Ballad Jim Steinman. When describing it he said
"This isn't Wuthering Heights of Kate Bush, that little fanciful Wuthering Heights, the scene they always cut out is the scene when Heathcliff digs up CATHERINE'S body and dances in the MOONLIGHT and on a beach with it. You can't get more operatic or passionate than that. I was trying to write a song about dead things coming to life.... about being enslaved and obsessed by love, the ability to be resurrected by it". Source Wik
cover version Celine made had as its centre theme of its accompanying
video, the death of her lover. The music opens with a man
killed in a motor bike accident after lightening strikes a tree in
his path. It was shot in the summer palace of the Austrian
Emperor between June 29th and July 3rd 1996.
to recap, we have a song about obsessive love, and grief after
a lover has been killed in a motor bike accident due to a flash of
light. The video was shot over the 35th birthday of Princess
Diana in a royal palace, and released on what would have been the
15th wedding anniversary of the wedding of Charles and Diana, and
actually on the 15th day of this same month, she officially became a
All Coming Back To Me Now was a song penned by the master of the
Power Ballad Jim Steinman. When describing it he said "This
isn't Wuthering Heights of Kate Bush, that little fanciful Wuthering
Heights, the scene they always cut out is the scene when Heathcliff
digs up CATHERINE'S body and dances in the MOONLIGHT and on a beach
with it. You can't get more operatic or passionate than that.
I was trying to write a song about dead things coming to life....
about being enslaved and obsessed by love, the ability to be
resurrected by it". Source Wik
cover version Celine made had as its centre theme of its accompanying
video, the death of her lover. The music opens with a man
killed in a motor bike accident after lightening strikes a tree in
his path. It was shot in the summer palace of the Austrian
Emperor between June 29th and July 3rd 1996.
to recap, we have a song about obsessive love, and grief after
a lover has been killed in a motor bike accident due to a flash of
light. The video was shot over the 35th birthday of Princess
Diana in a royal palace, and released on what would have been the
15th wedding anniversary of the wedding of Charles and Diana, and
actually on the 15th day of this same month, she officially became a
![]() |
Barry Mannakee and Diana |
the motorbike accident?
suggest it was a direct reference to Barry Mannakee, Diana's lover
and bodyguard, who was removed from his royal duties in 1986 after
their affair was discovered.
Diana adored him, and said in
tapes released after her death that "I was happy to give all
this up.... just go and live with him, can you believe it? And he
thought it was a good idea!"
also stated that she believed he had been "bumped of because he
knew too much".
14th May 1987, Mannakee was a pillion passenger on a motorbike driven
by a fellow police officer, when they were involved in an accident at
a junction in Woodford, East London. At the inquest it was
stated that "an unknown car with dazzling headlights was a
contributing factor to the crash, but the vehicle has never been
traced." ..... dazzling headlights/lightening strike? And
remember too the reports of Diana and Dodi's fatal crash had them
blinded by a very bright light too!
(or not) Barry Mannakee was born on 1st June 1947, which was 1 month
16 days (116) before Camilla Parker Bowles. It also meant he was born
on the 21st birthday of Marilyn Monroe!
Diana's parents were married
on 1:6:54, his 7th birthday.
on the subject of bodyguards, we all remember the huge mega-hit movie
The Bodyguard, starring Kevin Costner as the bodyguard (Frank Farmer)
to Whitney Huston's character. In 2012, the year Whitney died,
Costner revealed in an interview that he had been in talks to star in
a sequel, where he would have played
the body guard of princess Diana!
"She wanted me to write it for her, I said
'I'll tailor it for you if you are interested, she goes 'I am interested.'"
said he received the screen play for the project on 31st August 1997, the day she died..... beside a film producer, Dodi Fayed, and a bodyguard!!
official video of the song had scenes of Whitney singing
beside and in water.
mega-hit theme tune from the film I Will Always love You, dominated
the charts and therefore the minds of hundreds of millions of people
after its 1992 release and throughout the early nineties, twenty
years before Whitney would be found dead in water. In the final
scenes of the video we see Whitney both in and singing beside water.
1992 was also an Olympic year as was 2012, when in the year of all
things Goddess and Olympics 2012 and water! I Will Always Love You
once more hit the airwaves, so both years we had Whitney in the minds
of the masses singing "If I should stay, I would only be in your
way, so I'll go, but I know, I'll think of you, each step of the
was the year Charles and Diana dominated the headlines with various
stories of their marriage difficulties became public. Diana
was, as Whitney sang, "in your way"
re-release of Whitneys greatest hits album titled I Will Always Love
the image they used for the cover, the bright light behind her and
again the arms wide sacrificial pose.
re-release of I Will Always Love You, the best of Whitney Huston,
occurred on 13th November 2012. This meant as with many new
releases, it would get aired and lots of media attention the next
day, which "just happened" to have been the 64th birthday
of Prince Charles!
there on the radio singing " if I should stay, I would only be
in your way, so I'll go" was the sacrificial goddess, just as
his first wife was, Diana, who actually expressed fears that her
husband was planning to have her killed!
have digressed a little from Celine, so let's go back to her, who was
dominating the airwaves with her strong voice and ballads.
Remember, radios are played in millions of homes, vehicles and
businesses across the world. They are put on as a background to
break the monotony of the working classes, as they carry out mundane
jobs, but our brains take in so much more than we realise, and radio
has just as much power, probably more so to carry out subliminal
programming, with its ability to be repetitive with songs and news
stories on the hour etc. whilst we soak it in like sponges without
even realising.
May is another of those days favoured for ritualistic or sacrificial
purposes. The numerology must always be correct, and 22nd May
means there are 223 days left in the year. 223 is the number of
the Skull and Bones society, but also the date of the spring equinox,
22nd March, when we are told Jesus (the personified Sun) overcame
death (the darkness) and was resurrected.
May is also the month
the goddess of spring is in her first flush of bringing the earth
back to life, with all the blossom on the trees. The word MAY is also
as it happens, and anagram of YAM, and Yam is the Hebrew version of
Poseidon, god of the sea!
22nd May 1997 Celine Dion recorded a song which would become one of
the biggest selling singles of all time, My Heart Will Go On.
It was recorded as the theme tune to the Titanic movie, and was
released in Australia and Germany on 8th December 1997. (Note the
date was the 17th anniversary of the death of John Lennon) and in
January and February for the rest of the world, but I can't find
actual dates!
song won a host of awards in both 1998 and 1999, ensuring both Celine
and the song were brought to the attention of the public over and
over. Awards ceremonies are more versions of mega-rituals and
when a song or film dominates, or a particular "Star" it
will be due to the powers that be needing to engage the minds of the
masses in one of their projects/rituals.
film Titanic and its accompanying theme tune was one such mega
ritual, and it swept the board winning 11 Oscars in the 1998
ceremony. Of course it had to be eleven, what other number is as
important except 13, and the were actually nominated 13 times,
however, certain rituals require an amount of humiliation, and it
should be noted the two main characters, Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di
Caprio, despite spending weeks wading through freezing cold water
whilst filming, were not awarded anything for their efforts, and both
missed out on Oscar glory.
Queen of Hearts, My Heart Will Go On, Heart of the Ocean
Di on wearing a replica necklace of the Heart of the Ocean diamond
which the film used as a central prop to the story. This was at
Oscars night 1998, where she also sang My heart will go on whilst
wearing the necklace.
the spring of 2015, I happened to visit the ground floor of the
Titanic building in Belfast, Northern Ireland, a memorial /museum
type building built on the exact spot where the Titanic was created
and first set sail.
For a city that was for so many years
embarrassed that it had built a ship which caused so many deaths, the
advent of the Cameron film seemed to change their minds when it
became evident that a lot of profit could be made from the
morbid fascination of the Titanic story.
wandering around the souvenir shop I couldn't help but think this, as
fact blended with fiction on the shelves, where you could buy images
of the real ship and items from the fictional film.
one particular item caught my eye more than any other, and it was my
EUREKA moment.
has brought me to this point in this already lengthy blog.
There for sale were rows of replica necklaces which the story centred
around, the Heart of the Ocean....
and Kate on their engagement day. Note both women in the
Madonna blue as befitting the vessel of the future king, but still
here in these images the symbolic Virgin. (with emphasis on the word
symbolic, hardly actual in Kate's place, but most probable in
should be noted that information came out in her inquest that Diana
did not chose this ring, it was like everything else in her life at
that time chosen for her.
British Royal family love their number 13. It is a fact that
throughout the twentieth century the royal family had major events
connected to 13th years. From 1923, when then queens parents
married, it was 13 years when Prince Albert became King George Vl. In
eleven years later, princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten.
Princess Margaret married Anthony Armstrong Jones
Princess Anne married Capt. Mark Phillips
Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson (on Neptunalia 23rd July)
Prince Edward married Sophie Rhys Jones.
will notice I have not included the 1981 wedding of Charles and
Diana. But if you add 11 years to 1981 you get 1992, which is
the year of the second wedding of Princess Anne on 12:12:92 (33:11).
1992 was also the year Charles and Diana separated, after 11 years of
marriage. Charles second marriage to Camilla was in 2005, 26
years after his first, and of course 26= 13+13!
announcement of the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton
was on 16th November 2010. That is almost 13 years to the day
from the date the Titanic film was released in the U.K. on 18th
November, 1997, and again the 13th year from all the events of 1997.
Their wedding took place in 2011, and again due to the success of the
film and the sound track, it was 13years from the world was focused
on all things Titanic in 1998.
I said earlier, the plot for the Titanic movie centred on a
blue diamond necklace, called the Heart of the Ocean also
known as in French Le Cœur de la Mer.
gave it to Rose as an engagement present, Rose allowed Jack to sketch
her wearing only the necklace and Cal found the sketch and so on and
so forth!
fictional necklace was supposedly once worn by Marie Antoinette, the
last Queen of France who was beheaded the same year as her husband
Louis XVl, at the Place de la Concorde in Paris. So we have
introduced to the story the image of a queen who died in Paris on
16th October 1793.
The Hope Diamond
necklace's story has its roots in the true story of the famous Hope
Diamond, which now resides in the Smithsonian Institute. If the
USA had a set of Official Crown Jewels, then the display here would
be just that, and the Hope Diamond is the star of the show, a 44.52
carat diamond which looks blue.
It's current name Hope, was given to it due to a former owner, the English banker Thomas Hope. But it had quite an eventful life before and after its ownership by Hope, and due to misfortune each owner endured, it was also declared cursed. This stemmed from the story that the gem was stolen from a statue of the Hindu Goddess Sita, wife of Rama. Due to the time elapsed it is hard to prove, but there is a firm believe that bad Karma will befall anyone who stole from the many elaborately furnished shrines of the Hindu gods.
What is confirmed is that the stone did indeed originate in India, and that it was purchased, though in some accounts stolen, in the 1600's by a merchant traveller Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, who sold it on to King Louis XIV in 1669 for the French Crown Jewels.
so this brings me almost to the end of my lengthy blog! Almost two
years of research, and believe me, it could have been much longer. I
hope I have detailed enough for you the reader to understand what I
have been trying to point out. That the world literally as a whole,
from the Atlanta Olympics in Georgia 1996 until 1998 were
subliminally taking part via hidden references with the games
ceremonies, the death of Versace, the images of Diana in water all
summer and the subsequent mega-blockbuster film the Titanic, and its
theme tune and domination of awards ceremonies in 1998. They all had
reference to the death of the worlds ultimate personification of the
Goddess, the then mother goddess, who would never have been allowed
to become an old crone whilst the world already had the Queen
Elizabeth and her mother, whom Diana is quoted as saying was evil!!
By Bessie Totten
It's current name Hope, was given to it due to a former owner, the English banker Thomas Hope. But it had quite an eventful life before and after its ownership by Hope, and due to misfortune each owner endured, it was also declared cursed. This stemmed from the story that the gem was stolen from a statue of the Hindu Goddess Sita, wife of Rama. Due to the time elapsed it is hard to prove, but there is a firm believe that bad Karma will befall anyone who stole from the many elaborately furnished shrines of the Hindu gods.
What is confirmed is that the stone did indeed originate in India, and that it was purchased, though in some accounts stolen, in the 1600's by a merchant traveller Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, who sold it on to King Louis XIV in 1669 for the French Crown Jewels.
just let's add an interesting 'coincidence' again. After his
success in the Titanic, the next film Leonardo Di Caprio starred in
was The Man in the Iron Mask, 1998, a story about a prisoner who
spent his life in a French jail with a mask on, and it was rumoured
that he was in fact the identical twin brother of Louis XIV, and Di
Caprio played the part of the two men, the king and his twin! Now
what are the chances eh?
XV had the stone re-cut to a 67 carat stone which was from then on
known as the Blue Diamond.
Louis XVI inherited it he had it reset into an elaborate jewelled
pendant for the Order of the Golden Fleece. This consisted of a
shaped dragon breathing "covetous flames", with 83 red
painted diamonds and 112 yellow diamonds to suggest a fleece shape.
part of the French Crown Jewels, the stone was owned by a Royal
family who endured some of the most tragic circumstances in the
history of the Monarchy, the deaths of successive heirs and members
of their families from smallpox, and the beheading of Louis XVI and
his wife, Marie Antoinette, and many other family members as part of
the French Revolution. In fact, the French monarchy was effectively
damaged beyond repair whilst they were in possession of the blue
the Titanic film stated that the diamond was a gift from King Louis
to Marie Antoinette, there is no evidence she ever actually wore it,
as there is no portrait of her wearing it.
11th September 1792 (yes, again 11/9) the French Crown Jewels were
stolen, and there are several versions of events as to what then
happened to the blue diamond. It was definitely re-cut and
shaped, and it appears to have made its way into the private
collection of King George IV , most likely via his wife Caroline of
Brunswick. It was never registered in the Royal archives, but
George was painted wearing it.
bad karma of the diamond appeared to fall upon George and Caroline,
when their much beloved daughter, Princess Charlotte, died in
childbirth. Note the two names, George and Charlotte.
his death in 1830, King George's mistress Lady Conyngham, stole much
of his jewellery, including the blue diamond. The duke of
Wellington ordered her execution if she did not return them, and she
duly complied and the gems were returned. It's worth noting
that the duke of Wellington was also a member of the Golden Fleece,
the exclusive group of knights always with a ruling monarch among
duke sold the diamond to help pay off the Kings many debts, to
wealthy banker Thomas Hope, and from then in it became known as the
Hope Diamond. Hopes son inherited it, and his showgirl wife May is
known to have worn it. The apparent curse took hold again when
Francis Hope managed to gamble away the entire family fortune.
1901, the gem was again sold to Joseph Franklin and son for $2.9
million. As it lay in their safe, the company's finances began
to flounder, and bankruptcy beckoned. They sold the diamond in 1909.
At this stage the newspapers had begun to note the misfortunes of
anyone who previously owned it, and the legend of the curse became
public knowledge.
new owners of the diamond were the Paris firm Cartier. I might
just mention that on the night Diana and Dodi died, they left the
Imperial suite of the Ritz hotel, where they had had dinner, a suite
that boasts exact replica bedrooms as those belonging to LOUIS XVI
and beside it MARIE ANTOINETTE!! Their journey had them stop at
traffic lights on the Place De La Concorde, the actual site of the
beheading of said king and queen, who owned the diamond as part of
their Crown Jewels, and their final destination was to Dodi's
apartment... ABOVE THE CARTIER SHOP IN PARIS!! The shop that actually
owned the diamond at one time!
1911, a wealthy American socialite, Evalyn Walsh McLean bought the
Hope Diamond from Pierre Cartier. Evalyn was aware of the curse
story, but did not believe it, or that it would apply to her.
a few years later her nine year old son and heir died after being hit
by a car, her twenty five year old daughter committed suicide, and
her forty five year old husband died in a mental hospital after
becoming an alcoholic!
her death in 1947 another jeweller named Harry Wintson bought her
collection of jewellery, including the Hope Diamond. Winston
was persuaded to donate the diamond to the Smithsonian National
Museum of natural history, with the idea of setting up a proposed
National Gem Collection, in effect the USA's equivalent of the
British and French Crown Jewels.
better way to establish this than beginning with a magnificent gem
linked to a Goddess, worn by a self proclaimed Sun King, belonged to
both French and British royalty, and an emblem of the order of the
Golden Fleece!
diamond in its usual setting as designed by Cartier. However
for a limited time the diamond was displayed in a new setting. And
would you believe this was formally revealed on 18th November 2010,
might recognise the date as I have already mentioned it, it was the
13th anniversary of the release of the Titanic movie in the U.K., and
just two days after the engagement of Kate and William, when the
media were in hyper mode with the image of Diana's engagement ring,
so similar to the Hope Diamond, was everywhere, on images of Kate!
the star of the show on display in the nations capital, Washington,
literally millions of people now view the stone every year. As
it is now officially part of the nations own set of Jewels, has it
brought with it the curse that it brought to its previous owners?
Some say no, that it brings joy to the nation, who view it with awe
and pride. The leaders of the USA and the western world are
steeped in the occult, one only need look at their current foreign
policies, war, war and more war as they bring "democracy"
to other lands, and many have figured out Democracy means Rothschild
banking systems. And these are the people who have so much blood on
their hands who thought it a good idea to have a cursed diamond as
the centre piece of the nations gem collection??
It belongs to the
nation, therefore, they have place the curse upon the nations
children, just as all the previous owners have suffered.
might venture to add that the leaders and rulers of the USA meet
within literally minutes of the Hope Diamond. Actually if you
check out its location in Washington, within its Masonic designed
layout, you will see that the Hope Diamond is in the centre of the
most powerful nation in the world, literally just below the Moloch
Owl plan of the Whitehouse. Note too the the Diamond is beside
water, and the water leaders straight to the Whitehouse, home of the
Royal families representative in the USA, he of Royal blood, Trump
being simply the latest in a long line of bloodline leaders.
were three necklaces in all made. The first was used throughout the
film, the second only briefly when Cal removed it from the safe. Both
were made from white and blue cubic zirconia and white gold.
for the thirds necklace, this excerpt is from Wikis Heart of the
Ocean page...
Asprey & Garrard Necklace
third and final design was not used in the film. After the film's
success, Asprey and Garrard were commissioned to create an authentic
Heart of the Ocean necklace using the original design. The result was
a platinum-set, 171-carat (34.2 g) heart-shaped Ceylon sapphire
surrounded by 103 diamonds. This design featured a much larger
inverted pear shaped Ceylon sapphire with a subtle cleft to resemble
a heart.
The chain for this necklace also featured a mix of round,
pear, and marquise cut white diamonds. The bail also featured a heart
cut white diamond with another round cut diamond attached to an
inverted pear shape diamond which was then attached to the cage of
the main stone. The necklace was donated to Sotheby's to auction
house in Beverly Hills for an auction benefiting the Diana, Princess
of Wales memorial Fund and Southern California's Aid for AIDS. It was
sold to an unidentified Asprey client[ for $1.4 million, under the
agreement that Celine Dion would wear it two nights later at the 1998
Academy Awards ceremony. This necklace has also never been made
available for public viewing"
we have a direct link with the Heart of the Ocean necklace, made up
in real sapphire and diamonds, just like Diana's engagement ring, and
it was donated to an auction to benefit a memorial fund for Diana,
but not before Celine Dion would wear it whilst singing My Heart Will
Go On at the 1998 Oscars ceremony!
have already established a direct link with Diana and Marie
Antoinette, the beheaded queen and former owner of the Hope Diamond,
but it's worth noting that Celine Dion also has been mentioned in the
same sentence as the unfortunate queen in the past also.
Celine in her Marie-Antoinette style wedding dress on 17th December
1994. This date is also the day of the ancient ritual of Saturnalia.
is French Canadian, and her wedding took place in the Notre Dame
the queen herself in all her finery. The Rose is denoting her
Goddess status. Note the many bows upon her gown.
as the wife of the personified and very much self proclaimed Sun King
Louis XVI, would therefore have been the goddess of the moon, she
too, like Celine and Diana represented the moon goddess, and she was
as Earl Spencer stated the goddess of the hunter, and as such she
carried a Bow and arrows.
As it would be unseemly to place actual
bows and arrows upon these modern incarnations of the goddess, it was
much easier to simply place fabric bows upon them. When Diana
was first introduced to the public she set a whole new fashion trend
such was her passion for having bows attached to her. Not least
on her wedding dress, which had copycat brides throughout the 1980's
dressed like Christmas presents in a profusion of bows!!
to fellow researcher Sandra Barr for the significance of the bow
Queen at Diana's funeral, note her diamond BOW brooch!
we are told actually proposed on 6th February 1981, which was also
the anniversary of his grandfathers death in 1952, the day his mother
became queen. The Titanic was released in the USA on his birthday as
I have already said above. The were engaged, on 24th February,
note both the dates are 6/2 - (2+4). Marilyn also died in '62.
They chose a ring (they, not Diana herself) that was as similar to
the Hope Diamond as they could get. And my God! Did that curse by
association not take hold in poor Diana's life, which was so
miserable behind closed doors even if they were ornate gold leaf!!
we see the that the Heart, symbolised within the ring has went on.
The old queen is very close to the end of her reign, so Catherine is
relatively safe as she enters into her late thirties for now. Camilla
will take the place of the old crone, Kate the current mother
Goddess, and her daughter Charlotte the virgin. Though somewhere out
there there already are plans afoot to bring forth the wife of Prince
George. I wonder how Hollywood will prepare us for whoever she might
Thank you
for reading and taking an interest. I know this stuff can be a bit
'out there' for some. I hope I have opened a few windows in your mind
to allow you to open your eyes to the onslaught of predictive
programming we are being subjected to.
I am aware that there are those who will still think that it's all
just some big pot of weird coincidences, so here is just one more for
Princess of Wales final resting place, .... surrounded by water!!
By Bessie Totten
"spell craft" is there game, sir Oswald Mosley was baron by extant the true baron was in the canadas. Most royals you see in MSM are not the real ones, there the gommers put in place while the real ones are manipulating events unseen. my family fomented the war of 1812, north west rebellion, the fake uranium mines that are really gold and silver plays, stock manipulations such as bre-X and principle group financial.