By Sandra Barr
“The best way to control the
opposition is to lead it ourselves” Lenin!
This week I have been
looking into the origins of the 1960’s Hippy movement, it may seem irrelevant
these days, but the 60’s revolution shaped our modern world. Shockingly the
entire movement was carefully crafted and executed by the children of high
ranking US military personnel. I have come to a stage in my life where I have
had to accept that everything I thought was real, was in fact only illusions, acted
out by paid performers.
Excellent report from the Centre for an informed America, detailing the beginning of the hippy/anti-war movement. Link
More on the history of Laurel Canyon from Snippets and Snappets Link
All the people I once
admired, I have had to accept that they were just puppets allowed onto the
world stage to influence my thoughts and beliefs. It is the policy of the
ruling elite that the best way to control the opposition is to lead it, the US
Hippy/Anti War movement achieved little towards ending the war in Vietnam, but
it did serve to divide the entire Nation, it separated the young and
impressionable from their families and the ripple effect was felt throughout
the world.
The beautiful young people
started to sew the seeds of “Free Love”, moving the parameters of the sexual
union to anything goes, at any time, with anyone! In the decades since this
doctrine has evolved to the point where sex is no longer a sacred act between 2
people in love, it is a pastime akin to going to the gym for a quick work out,
they won’t be content until we are all shagging in the streets like dogs.
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Bob Dylan with Van Morrison, Slane, Ireland 1982 |
Bob Dylan is credited by
many as writing the soundtrack for the 60’s, and he is given prophet status by
the chroniclers of that era. I seen him perform at Slane in Ireland in 1982,
certain members of the audience went into a frenzy when he took to the stage,
it was as if God Almighty himself had appeared, I actually took a photograph of
the woman who was standing behind me, she completely lost it when he took to
the stage.
Personally I felt his
performance was an anti-climax to an otherwise fantastic day, Carlos Santana
had appeared earlier in the day, Dylan’s appearance was like a mouse running
across the stage after a herd of wild lions and panthers!
On a thread on my Facebook
page this week, someone asked was there any evidence connecting Dylan to the
movers and shakers who formed the hippy/anti-war movement on the West Coast,
primarily the Laurel Canyon set, who it now transpires were near all connected
to US military intelligence and the MK Ultra project. I thought I would look
into it.
According to a 1977 senate
hearing on the MK Ultra project, the department of Psychiatry at the University
of Minnesota was very much involved with the MK Ultra program, Dylan enrolled
with the University of Minnesota in September 1959, it would seem that he was a
fast learner as he left in May 1960 and headed straight to New York, in 1962 he
legally changed his name from Zimmerman to Dylan, and the rest as they say is
Link List of facilities used by the MK Ultra Programme, as revealed by a 1977 Senate hearing.
The Laurel Canyon set controlled
and influenced things from the West Coast, and Dylan who was New York based
covered the same ground on the opposite coast. They shared the same ethos, songs,
managers etc.
Dylan & Israel
Bob Dylan: Birth name
Robert Allen Zimmerman: Hebrew name שבתאי
זיסל בן אברהם [Shabtai Zisl ben
Avraham] Born May 24, 1941
Dylan’s paternal
Grandparents were Russian Jews who went to the US in 1905, his maternal
Grandparents were Lithuanian Jews who arrived in 1902, he was raised in a small
tight knit Jewish community, given his roots I wondered did he have an opinion
on the State of Israel.
For decades he has been
famed for his anti-war rhetoric, I wondered was it possible that he could in
fact support one of the greatest war machines on the planet today?
In 1983 he penned
Neighbourhood Bully, Link to lyrics, it appeared on his "Infidels" album. As can be seen he has taken a rather
romantic view of the Israeli occupation in Palestine. In 2011 he staged a concert in
Tel Aviv, he was implored by activists world wide to boycott Israel, he chose
not to take their advice.
In the 1980’s Dylan
allegedly became a Born Again Christian, Jews are not just a religious group,
they are an ethnic group, and on all sides Dylan is a Jew, his parents,
grandparents and ancestors were all Jews, so he is a Jew. It is no crime to be
part of this ethnic group, and being part of this ethnic group does not mean
you support Israel, but the evidence so far presented on Dylan would suggest he
is most sympathetic to the Israeli occupation and their ever increasing
The 1960’s Hippy/Anti war
movement in the USA was unquestionably manufactured, there is overwhelming
evidence to support this, Dylan became that decades most prolific poet, and he
echoed the same sentiments being propagated by the very much controlled Lauren
Canyon set, as I have pointed out he did attend Minnesota University while that
University was using mind control techniques on unwitting subjects, it is
purely speculative to assume that he was in fact one of their subjects, who was
then shipped off to new York to propagate the same doctrine being dished out on
the West Coast, but given the status he was awarded, he would not have been
allowed to propagate his message if it had not come off the accepted hymn sheet
of the time.
Joan Baez and Dylan
Dylan is closely
associated with Joan Baez, one of her lesser know songs is “Play Me Backwards”,
which is about the ritual satanic sexual abuse of a child, many survivors of
the MK Ultra program have testified that they were subjected to exactly this
kind of abuse. Baez’s motivation to write this song is not on record, but clearly
she does have knowledge of the horrors that were part of the MK Ultra Project.
It has been widely reported that Baez was in fact singing about the abuse she
herself suffered at the hands of the MK Ultra programme, but I have not been
able to source direct quotes from her on the subject.
Link Lyrics to Play Me Backwards
Baez and Dylan not only
had a professional relationship, they were lovers between 1962 and 1965. When
they first met Dylan was unknown and Baez had 2 hit albums under her belt. Much
to the disdain of Baez’s own fans, she often called Bob onto the stage with her
when she was an establish star and he was an unknown, history has credited her
for her part in making him a superstar. Given what I know about the MK
programme, I think it is inconceivable that one of the primary MK stars of the
time would have been promoting someone who was not part of the programme.
Baez is not just famed for
her singing, there are many strings to her bow, and she was pivotal in the
Civil Rights and Anti-War movements.
In 1976 Baez wrote Caruso, the
lyrics to this song would seem perfectly harmless to anyone not familiar with
MK Ultra, however they appear very disturbing to anyone with knowledge of the
programme. The song in two verses mentions Monarch Butterflies, MK Ultra later
became know as Monarch Programming. The name was supposedly chosen because of
the position they put small girls in to have sex with them, they called them
Monarch Butterflies.
Here are the two references in the song:
With the precision of a hummingbird's heart
Was the lord of the monarch butterflies
One-time ruler of the world of art
It's the sound of the monarch butterfly
That I find a little bit scary Link to full lyrics
“The Lord of the Monarch Butterflies”, is this a reference to the Ultimate controller of the programme?
As for the sound of the Monarch Butterfly…what kind of sound do you imagine a small girl would make if she were raped?
Below is an extract from The Vigilant Citizen about Monarch Programming:
"Monarch programming is a mind-control
technique comprising elements of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Multiple
Personality Disorder (MPD). It utilizes a combination of psychology,
neuroscience and occult rituals to create within the slaves an alter persona
that can be triggered and programmed by the handlers. Monarch slaves are used
by several organizations connected with the world elite in fields such as the
military, sex slavery and the entertainment industry. This article will look at
the origins of Monarch programming, its techniques and its symbolism".
Link: Full report from VC about Monarch. Please be aware, if you
suspect you are a victim of Monarch, the report has triggers that may be
damaging to you.
In Joan’s 1968 album Baptism: a Journey Through our Time, the album cover depicts the fragmented mind of Joan Baez, with a little girl that looks like Joan at the back of it. The child is holding a red rose, Baez’s Play me Backwards song is full of references to the rose, The Temple of Baby Rose, and the sacrificial victim….ROSE. The blood red rose has deeply significant meaning in the occult, to deep to go into here, but the Rosicrucian’s did not make the rose their primary symbol on a whim.
This is the Album cover for her 2008 Greatest Hits Album, the art work is by Roberto Patelli, this would be a blog on its own!
Here is just a few of the
details taken from her exceedingly long Wikipedia page! Link
Joan Chandos Báez born January 9, 1941 at Staton Island, New York
Both her Grandfathers were
Christian ministers.
Her Mother was Joan
Bridge, she was born in Edinburgh Scotland, and descended from the Elite
bloodline Dukes of Chandos! Note Joan's middle name is Chandos after her illustrious ancestors.
Her father Albert Baez
worked for UNESCO! (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organisation), which is a specialised agency of the United Nations. Its first
Director was Sir Julian Sorell Huxley, (1887-1975), brother of Aldous, (author of Brave New World). In 1946
he penned a paper called UNESCO, Its
purpose and Its Philosophy. According to Huxley the philosophy of UNESCO
should be what he termed World Evolutionary Humanism. From 1959-62 Huxley was
President of the British Eugenics Society, and he coined the term Transhumanism.
This is an excellent piece
from Global Research which outlines fully the goals and objectives of UNESCO. Link
Because of her Fathers
work with UNESCO the young Joan moved many times, and lived in England, France,
Canada, Switzerland, Spain and Iraq! No doubt Daddy was instrumental in sowing seeds to fulfil Huxley’s vision.
In 1958 Daddy accepted a
faculty position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as it happens
this facility is also on the list of facilities that were part of the MK Ultra
Project! He also popped up at Stanford, UC Berkeley and Cornell, all of which
were associated with MK Ultra!
Baez herself attended
Boston University; it is also on the list of facilities that were part of MK
Link List of facilities used by the MK Ultra Programme, as revealed by a 1977 Senate hearing.
In the 1970’s Baez was
instrumental in founding the US section of Amnesty International, she remains
an active supporter. This years I have called them Amnesia International, as
they like to forget real human rights issues, and their own part in starting
wars. Their part in starting the first Iraqi war is now on public record, Baez
campaigned against the last Iraqi invasion, she is a bloody hypocrite,
supporting AI given their part in starting hostilities.
Amnesia from the onset
have highlighted war crimes and social injustices perpetrated by countries that
the USA and UN want to invade, where no evidence of social injustice or crimes
against the people exist, AI manufacture evidence.
Where evidence does exist
of USA and UN war crimes, AI conveniently turn the other way.
Link to my own blog about Amnesia International.
For the uninformed reader
Baez’s Wikipedia page makes her look like a saint with her long history in activism,
she sure has played her part with vigour! Her current assignment/mission is
supporting peaceful protests in Iran, and in 2008 she released “We Shall
Overcome” with some Persian lyrics in support of Iranians. This of course just
adds fodder for to those who plan on invading Iran.
On Feburary 3, 2008 she
wrote to the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle endorsing Barack Obama:
Quote “. If anyone can navigate the contaminated waters of Washington, lift up
the poor, and appeal to the rich to share their wealth, it is Sen. Barack Obama”.
In June 2010 while performing at Glastonbury she compared Obama to another old friend Martin Luther King!
Dylan has publicly endorsed Bill Clinton and Obama, both Dylan and Baez have played at the White House for Obama.
And the accolades and rewards for the best puppets keep coming! Left is Dylan receiving his Medal of Freedom from Obama!
Madeleine Albright was on the same honours list!
Stand up Sir Bob Geldof...another muppet!
Masters of War
Link Live version 1963
Masters of War is probably Dylans most hard hitting song, he wrote it during the winter of 1962-63, the tune he plagiarised, and he paid veteran folk singer Jean Ritchie $5000 in damages for “borrowing” the melody from Nottamun Town, which she claimed had been in her family for generations.
Dylan said he was inspired to write the song after hearing President Eisenhowers farewell address from the Oval Office:
"we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”
In a 2001 interview with USA Today Dylan said the song was a pacifist’s song against war, and what Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex. The song was written against the backdrop of a build up of arms on all sides during the Cold War.
“I hope that you die and your death will come soon
I’ll follow your casket by the pale afternoon
and I’ll watch while you’re lowered into your deathbed
and I’ll stand over your grave till I’m sure that you’re dead.”
A hard hitting lyric from the 21 year old Dylan, and the target for his wrath was the military industrial complex. Fast forward to the present era and he is right up Obama’s ass. The current administration has US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, they were part of the UN invasion of Libya and they are now paying mercenaries in Syria. Iran is next on their “To Invade” list.
Clearly Dylan’s strong feelings about the military industrial complex have mellowed over the years.
And the accolades and rewards for the best puppets keep coming! Left is Dylan receiving his Medal of Freedom from Obama!
Madeleine Albright was on the same honours list!
Stand up Sir Bob Geldof...another muppet!
Masters of War
Link Live version 1963
Masters of War is probably Dylans most hard hitting song, he wrote it during the winter of 1962-63, the tune he plagiarised, and he paid veteran folk singer Jean Ritchie $5000 in damages for “borrowing” the melody from Nottamun Town, which she claimed had been in her family for generations.
Dylan said he was inspired to write the song after hearing President Eisenhowers farewell address from the Oval Office:
"we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”
In a 2001 interview with USA Today Dylan said the song was a pacifist’s song against war, and what Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex. The song was written against the backdrop of a build up of arms on all sides during the Cold War.
“I hope that you die and your death will come soon
I’ll follow your casket by the pale afternoon
and I’ll watch while you’re lowered into your deathbed
and I’ll stand over your grave till I’m sure that you’re dead.”
A hard hitting lyric from the 21 year old Dylan, and the target for his wrath was the military industrial complex. Fast forward to the present era and he is right up Obama’s ass. The current administration has US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, they were part of the UN invasion of Libya and they are now paying mercenaries in Syria. Iran is next on their “To Invade” list.
Clearly Dylan’s strong feelings about the military industrial complex have mellowed over the years.
Back to Baez....
On 11/11/11 she was on Wall Street supporting George Soras’s brainchild, the cointel op otherwise known as the Occupy movement. She preformed a few of her hits to keep them amused. Link
On 11/11/11 she was on Wall Street supporting George Soras’s brainchild, the cointel op otherwise known as the Occupy movement. She preformed a few of her hits to keep them amused. Link
Baez will go down in
history as one of the most famous pacifists of her time, and she has just about
something to say on every subject from gay marriage to blah blah blah, I have
searched to see if she had any comment on the Obama administration keeping
troops in Iraq and Afghanistan… comment could be found. The US fully
supported the sustained day and night bombing of the Libyan people by the UN….no
comment from Ms Baez about that either. What about Syria, surely she had
something to say about that? Her only comment on Syria is a plea for people to
donate money to her buddies at AI so as they can continue to spread propaganda
against the Assad Government.
In Baez’s autobiography
she notes “Someone had to change the world, and obviously I was the one for the
job”. In MK World, this is called Messiah Programming!
Of course many people are
born idealistic and want to make the world a better place, I am sure that at
some level many people have this desire, in MK programming one of the
fragmented personalities that is created from the traumas, can be programmed to
go on a mission to save the world, albeit in a way that will actually serve
them that control rather than hinder them.
This is quite an incredible Link, its a piece written by a Ronald Bailey, he is recapping the highlights of a Baez concert he attended in Charlottesville VA, not only does Baez commend Michael Moore (another purveyor of disinformation), she actually talks about her multiple personality disorder, and much to the disdain of the author, she breaks into "Alice" a 15 year old black girl from Arkansas, who is just one of her alters!
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Joan Baez & John Harris |
In 1968 she was apparently
over Dylan, she met and married David Victor Harris. She was 27 at the time, he
was 22. Time magazine called it “The Wedding of the century”. By 1972 they had divorced;
sometime in between they had a son Gabriel.
Harris was also an
anti-war campaigner, civil rights activist and draft dodger. Link, David Harris, Wikipedia
Harris was born in
California, in 1963 he enrolled in Stanford University, which as it happens was
also a facility for MK Ultra!
In 1963 he graduated from
Fresno High School and was nominated “Boy of the Year”, at Stanford he was
elected President of the student body, during Mitt Romney’s one year at Stanford
he shared a room with no other than yours truly David Victor Harris!
While at Stanford Harris
and another student named Dennis Sweeney became protégés of a certain Allard
Kenneth Lowenstein. Lowenstein was the Dean of their Stern Hall dormitory at
While an undergraduate Lowenstein was the
President of the National Student Body. He had received a J.D. from Yale
University in 1954…which as it happens is also on the list of MK Ultra
Amongst Lowenstein’s long
list of accomplishments President Jimmy Carter appointed him the US Representative
to the UN Commission on Human rights, a post he held from 1977-1978. He was
later to become a Democratic Congressman. While at Stanford mentoring Sweeny
and Harris he was known as “A political organiser”!
NB: The UN Human Rights Commission only investigate the human rights abuses of countries they want to invade, they do not investigate their own human rights abuses and war crimes.
Now! Get this! On March
14, 1980, Harris’s friend, and Lowenstein’s one time protégé, Dennis Sweeney,
walked into Lowenstein's Manhattan office in the ROCKEFELLER CENTRE, and shot him dead!
Sweeney was convinced that Lowenstein was plotting against him, (well, that’s the
official reason) Sweeny was promptly shipped off to a psychiatric unit and
diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic!
He was found not guilty by
reason of insanity, by 1992 the Lowenstein family were complaining about the privileges
Sweeney was receiving.
The shooting is discussed
in Richard Cumming’s biography of Lowenstein; the biography is aptly named “The
Pied Piper”!
NB Paranoid Schizophrenic
is a label often attached to MK survivors.
DC Shooter Aaron Alexis was also apparently a paranoid schizophrenic! Link
Ms Baez is to be
commended, for decades she has acted out the role of activist extraordinaire,
while all the time assisting the very establishment that most activists
recognise as the problem. She has done this in such a way as to never draw
attention to the fact that she is serving their system.
According to author Alex
Constantine, Baez was indeed a victim of MK Ultra:
“To give you an example, Phil Ochs developed a
multiple personality. He was a part of a group I called the "Baez
Contras" who surrounded Joan Baez. It's known that Joan was used in C.I.A.
mind control experimentation at a very early age. She was subjected to
trauma-based programming, which is still in use today in the creation of
multiple personalities. If you look at the latest record by Joan Baez, she
thanks her multiple personalities on the back of the record”. Link
Dylan’s support for
Israel, and him attending the University of Minnesota during the time period
that they were conducting MK Ultra experiments, is not exactly proof that he is
MK, however the evidence that Baez is MK is considerably more substantial, and
she was by his side all during the time period that he rose to prominence.
For years I was a really
big fan of Joan Baez, she has a beautiful voice, her songs were mostly quite melancholy,
she poetically sang about the pains of this life. At this time of deep
reflection in my life, I have looked back at the social influences that moulded
me, I was a sixties child growing up in Northern Ireland, one of the key
elements necessary for mass social programming is trauma, and I had buckets of
that in my young life, not from my family, thankfully I had a loving family and
as strong a foundation as was possible given the political situation in
Northern Ireland at that time, bar the security of my family I just had to look
out my front door to see the bombs and bullets.
MK Ultra, code name
Bluebird is the name that most associate with trauma based mind control, this
was the US programme, but it was just part of a much bigger global program. The
Tavistock Institute in England for decades devised methods for mass programming;
their end goal was to mind bend the entire world into accepting the one world
order that was planned long before Tavistock was ever heard of. Link: Tavistock, Huxley and the social engineering of the 60's.
One of the primary goals
of Tavistock was to break down the family unit, individuals have strength and a
better foundation in life if they come from a secure family unit, it is the
objective of the New World Order to have total domain over every individual,
from birth to death they have devised a system of ownership and control of
every citizen. They see a strong family background as an obstacle to them
achieving their goals, so the destruction of family unity has been high on
their agenda.
Over the decades since the
60’s the family has been under constant attack, they have used all tools at
their disposal to attack the family, legislation, education and mass social
programming. The music industry and media have been used to great effect to
show us all how dysfunctional families are and to bring about the demise of families.
It was the primary goal of
the Mk Ultra programme to send mind control victims out and do all they could
to cause division in families. By the 1960’s the MK’s that had been trained in
the US were elevated through the music industry, their messages were broadcast globally,
and we were all influenced by them, I know I certainly was.
Song after song was
churned out about how destructive love was, how relationships never work, how
you will be left on your own holding the baby etc. Baez with her beautiful soprano
voice and guitar plucking sang song after song about the dangers of love, “I will Never Marry” and “Love is Just a Four Letter Word”, to name but two.
We bring about what we
think about, and with these messages being reinforced daily the scene was set
for the annihilation of the family unit. They could not stop people falling in
love, but they sure as hell sowed the seeds of doubt and paranoia that destroy
They know only to well
that a young mind that is full of fear is much easier to manipulate and
The world I spent my childhood in was dominated by fear, the
domestic situation of the very much manipulated situation in NI, and the
horrors of Vietnam being brought into our living rooms ensured that the
fear was topped up daily, these images came complete with a soundtrack, and the
soundtrack was supplied by the likes of Dylan and Baez singing about the
horrors of war and love affairs gone wrong.
Baez in recent years has
picked up many accolades, and has taken a bow for her part in ending the
Vietnam War! What is commonly referred to as the Vietnam War was fought in Vietnam,
Cambodia and Laos, hostilities began in December 1956 and ended on April 30,
58,220 US Military Personnel
Somewhere in the region of
200 million Vietnamese and Cambodians died.
In the aftermath of US
withdrawal up to 30 million people died.
Over a 19 year period the
US caused ultimate chaos, death and destruction in Vietnam and Cambodia, when
they had wreaked all the havoc it was possible to create, they pulled out,
leaving the country so unstable that millions died in the aftermath of their
The anti war movement was
controlled by them, it achieved diddly squat, the powers that be decided to
withdraw American troops when their aims were realised, and that was to cause the
maximum fatalities and chaos. People need to realise, they don’t care if we
oppose the wars they start, they will have them anyway, they start them when
they want, and they end them when they want, popular opinion has nothing to do
with their decisions.
Baez or no one else can
claim credit for it ending; it ended when their objectives had been met. They
love wars, wars make them a great deal of money, and they believe there are too
many of us pesky people, so they are always devising ways to eliminate us, they
don’t actually care how many die from the side they purport to be on, global
population reduction is what they care about.
The only thing that the
anti war movement truly achieved was to divide families and the nation as a
whole, this was a well crafted plan and it was executed to full effect, the
Hippy/anti-war league was lead by the children of high ranking US military
Excellent report from the Centre for an informed America, detailing the beginning of the hippy/anti-war movement. Link
More on the history of Laurel Canyon from Snippets and Snappets Link
Causing a divide was not
their only aim, moulding the minds of the generation of that time, as previously
set out by Tavistock was also on the list of objectives. That generation in
turn influenced the generations since.
Year by year since then,
the social parameters on morality and decency have been moved, parents have
less and less rights over the education and well being of their children, the
western attitude to sex has brought us to a place where we observe soft porn
every time we leave our homes! Front pages on every news stand are covered with smut
a nudity, and they still have not brought us to their planned end point, over
the decades since the 60’s all social barriers regarding sex have been eroded,
the current generation of MK puppets are working towards breaking down the last
of the social norms and sex with children and the sexualisation of children is
their current work in progress.
Current MK puppets like
Miley Cyrus have been used to great effect in achieving these aims, little
girls grew up with her as a role model, and she is currently influencing them
to dress like hookers and behave like porn queens.
Their manufactured puppets
like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Kate Middleton and the rest, are so heavily promoted
that I see their images more often than I see my own sons face! Every time I
leave my home I see at least one them on a news stand.
Link Laurel Canyon and the sexual abuse of children, this is just one report on the subject, Google Laurel Canyon and Paedophilia and a lot more comes up. And this was the founders of the Peace & Love Brigade!
A few years ago I attended
a house party, near the end of the evening the young girls who were there put
on a DVD, it had women demonstrating dance moves to music, the children proceeded
to dance as instructed by the DVD, I watched on as little girls aged 5-9 danced
like erotic dancers in the middle of the floor, no one batted an eyelid, their
parents seemed totally unconcerned. I turned to the woman next to me and I said
“is it just me, or is something really wrong with this picture”, she said
nothing but her expression and gesture said it all, she too was shocked at the
scene in front of us. I later voiced my concerns to one of the children’s
parents, she pretty much laughed at me, told me to get with it, and informed me
that all the kids danced this way! Oh the times…they really are a changing!
Joan Baez will go down in
history as a great political activist, a campaigner for social injustice,
anti-war advocate and songstress; I felt it important to write this article so
as people might understand better how controlled opposition works. Baez was
undoubtedly part of MK Ultra, she was one of the many unleashed on the world to
influence us all, she was a cog in a much bigger machine and she done all that
she was programmed to do.
It could be argued that at
least the civil rights movement had success, the situation to begin with in
that area had been created from the days of slavery, for the NWO’s other plans
to be successful it was imperative that blacks in America were given more
equality, and so they controlled that path to equality, had that not been
achieved we would not now have Obama, Winfrey, Jay Z, Beyonce and the rest promoting
the current agenda.
I was born in 1961, my
entire childhood I witnessed the death and destruction in Vietnam , every night on the 6 o’clock news graphic images were shown, the anti war movement did not end it, it brought more
attention to it, energy flows to where focus goes.
For all Baez’s supposed efforts
against social injustice, she has not once spoken out against the MK programme,
through her songs she has very much indicated that she was part of it, yet she
has not campaigned for justice for other MK survivors.
It has been reported that
she has had years of therapy to help overcome the scars she was left with from
her own childhood abuse, I wonder does she recognise at any level how she has
always served their agenda?
I felt compelled to write
this article because the study of history helps us form a better understanding
of our current reality. In the 60’s they controlled the anti-war movement, the
Hippy generation, civil rights etc etc. this years I have endeavoured to
understand the truth of our reality, I have come to the conclusion that near all
the current purveyors of truth are actually controlled by them, Wikileaks,
Anon, Occupy, Russell Brand and the rest!
They create all social
situations, they are masters in the manipulation of the mass social psyche,
they know in advance how we will react to the situations they create, and they
have leaders already trained up from childhood for us to follow when we become
dissenters to their system. They see us all as blind sheep that will aimlessly
follow whatever Shepard they present to us. The said Shepard’s may speak some
truth, they may voice what we are thinking, but they will do as they are
trained to do, and they will not lead us in a direction that will end their
system of control, they will guide us all to places that their masters are
prepared for, ie: taking to the streets, they have at their disposal the entire
military and police, they are well prepared to slaughter us all if need be.
Last year, 2012, I
examined in depth the mass rituals that they played out on the world stage, the
Olympics, Sandy Hook, Aurora etc, this year I have been observing more than
churning out work, I have taken time out to assess the bigger picture. I now
recognise that my entire life I have been paying homage to the heroes they created,
who were not heroes at all, just players in their game put forward to influence
me and others. For now I feel very disillusioned that everything I believed to
be real was in fact just actors, acting out parts that they were programmed to perform.
I guess this too is part of their overall plans, that should anyone figure it
all out in its entirety, they would be left feeling desolate and disillusioned.
Bar myself and my closest
family and friends I trust no one. I sure don’t have any answers, stop
con-summing, don’t be a hostage to their banking system, don’t get into debt,
love your family, build bonds with family and friends, stop complying, be true
to yourself…..maybe the only way forward is for us all to get to where I am
now, the total realisation of how we have been conned has to be the first steps
to achieving real social change.
I most certainly do not
want to put myself in any Shepard’s shoes, real change has to be effected from
within each one of us, for thousands of years they have indoctrinated us all to
believe some Messiah character will come along and save us all, it aint gonna
happen…YOU HEAR ME! Stop looking for a saviour, your only saviour is yourself.
The Galactic Federation of bullshite, Russell Brand nor no one else is going to
come along and fix everything.
Our only hope is if every
one of us truly wakes up and sees how we have all been had, and how we are
still being had…stop playing their game and buying into their system.
And with that thought I
will leave you all.
Sandra Barr
Above: Bob Dylan admits he sold his soul to the Devil for fame!
Link: Excellent read about MK Ultra and the music industry
Link: Excellent read about MK Ultra and the music industry
Further reading on the birth of the Hippy generation
Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation
By Dave McGowan Link
Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation
By Dave McGowan Link
Excellent article. It also bothers me the amount of people in the current truth movement with military connections.I'm NOT saying everyone with military connections is suspicious as I'm sure many of them are straight forward, honest and not controlled infiltrators.
ReplyDeleteFew people realize the truth movement isn't new, there were many in the 1920's that were infiltrated by the establishment and destroyed from within. Exactly the same techniques are being used today as then. Also as in the 1920's, sadly few people can see it.
I grew up in the 1960's and believed the Hippie movement was going the end war forever. How naive I was. At that time I lived amongst a lot of World War One veterans, they had seen similar before in the 1920's. I remember them saying "It won't last as those that control it are the money men." In hindsight they were right, I was wrong! Those people seemed to have a unique insight into what was really going on. It should be remembered they knew about the Bradbury debt free currency; they had actually lived at the time it was implemented. They also knew how music was used to manipulate peoples' minds.
If they were alive today I can imagine them reading your article and saying "Yep, just as we thought, this confirms it!"
Thank you again Sandra for a great article and please keep up the good work!
In the Alex Constantine link in Seconds it says
ReplyDeleteNo, we're not buying into the Lyndon LaRouche conspiracy theory which posits that The Beatles and Grateful Dead were unholy inventions of the Tavistock Institute in England, designed to clutter and confuse youthful minds and take them away from Mozart and nuclear fusion.
However I wouldn't dismiss that as a conspiracy theory. That's what people say when they want to discredit something.
I'm old enough to remember pre-Beatles music and how they changed. Of course the Beatles weren't an invention of the Tavistock but from what I've read about it Paul did move in with the Asher family and Jane's father was a Tavistock doctor.
Having been a part of the peace movement for years I can see now how much energy I put into it and for no peace to come from it.
What to do now though?
The Beetles were unquestionably the product of Tavistock, they control everything, the Beetles would never of been given the status they were awarded if they had not been part of the program.
DeleteYou keep writing that the Laurel Canyon crowd influenced the East Coast, but I think you mean the West Coast.
ReplyDeleteI have corrected that Tom.
ReplyDeleteI like Sandra Barr's work, however I feel she has missed the big issues here: the original Dylan who was an anti-war firebrand had brown eyes, and this guy around now is not the same fellow. May I arrogantly suggest Sandra might peruse the chapter on this in my book, Life & Death of Paul McCartney? Her comments would be much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to note that Joan Baez' cousin, John Baez is gaining a certain notoriety of his own. He is thought to be one of the thought leaders behind hypercomplex mathematics, a field growing in interest. There are many curious aspects to him. Coincidence? I think not. I sometimes suspect that Baez' family were Mexican crypto-Jews which is not implausible. Joan Baez was also suspected of being of Jewish heritage.